Wheres My Toast

Many apologies if this was covered last week; but, has anyone else seen a parallel between Eleven telling River "I always see you" and Twelve saying to Clara, "When do I not see you?" Does this mean she's going to die and he knows it? Or was she dead the whole time??? (Just kidding with the last one. I hope.)

It's because some years ago someone else bought the GBBO trademark here in the US and PBS (the network that airs it) still hasn't sorted it out.

That's probably helped by the fact that he's currently trapped in the sinkhole that was once known as Mr. Selfridge, which I now call "the Jeremy Piven show in which he has all the remotely interesting characters killed off or sent away so he has room to grow even more unrealistically angelic."

And risks as well, I'm finding - I won't shut up about it once I get going, and the crush I have on Bertie Carvel right now is so huge it's distracting. Really looking forward to reading the book in cooler weather!

Anyone else start rewatching yet? So many things that went totally over my head in the first few episodes that I now understand! I suspected this mini was made to reward those who would see it again and again and now I'm sure.

The weirder the better. This season has been super weird, which has made me super happy.

Perhaps? I can't recall offhand if Inspector Spacetime's existence has been acknowledged this iteration.


I hereby nominate Paget Brewster for the best line reading of the word "fart" in all of time, ever. It's like a rude little aria.

It took a tweet from Gillian Jacobs to realize I should search my Roku for the Yahoo! Screen app. That sucker was buried deep.

Upvoted for what I'm hoping is a Frank and Sadie Doyle reference, but is at least as good as.

And it says "Quinnipiac" on the caller ID. So, unless you live under a rock … wait …

I can't vouch for the rest of the show (in fact, I doubt it's often this interesting,) but I just saw a recent episode of New Tricks that had fond memories of lots of sex, ritual bloodletting, conceptual art, and an urban history lesson all involving an ancient river that flows below London. Nerdy, Britishy, murdery

Count me in the "thrown by the editing" camp. With the number one rule of Top Chef being, "don't f##k up your protein," the fact that they left in comments about both Mei's octopus and her duck made me think she was a goner. I could also have been distracted by the numerous mentions of mole without ever being specific

The speculation may well have been for the sake of publicity and avoiding spoilers. Clara's giving up the Doctor seems to have been her grief talking. Shoulda given him up earlier to spend more time with Danny, if I move on without him it's disrespectful to his memory, I don't deserve happiness ever again. 12's

OMG, she gives up on normal human life entirely, is with the Doctor when he finds Gallifrey, and ends up living there with a Time Lord in Training! She helps him become one!

Clara had mentioned chocolate in the beginning of the episode. She also used the word "imagination," which appears again later. For a while I was thinking it was mostly if not all Clara's dream alone, but now I suspect it's because her personality is so strong (at least, compared to the other humans) that she had a

Regarding recovery and Hollywood-type pains in the arse, I remember early days when he had Kelsey Grammer on, and tried to talk with him about sobriety and antique book collecting, and KG railed against the boringness of the segment. It only reflected poorly on Kelsey.

Dicky bow *and* sand shoes! We all noticed the Chucks on her feet, too, no?

With or without the unfortunate word choice from Time, or if it's the more user-friendly "take charge", I'm working with the idea that these are characteristics Moffat finds ideal in a female. If you've seen Coupling, you know that the Moffat-y lead character falls instantly for the frighteningly competent,