Wheres My Toast

Bed Stuy. It's a huge neighborhood - I was going to try to sum it up without sounding pat, but it's impossible. Some parts are more gentrified than others. That's how Carrie can afford a brownstone. Hope this link works: https://www.nytimes.com/201…

I was also pretty excited to see Toni Tipton-Martin as a guest judge. I've been meaning to read her book. More food historians!

I agree, she's immature. People who grow up in repressive/controlling environments don't get to mature at a normal rate. I've met folks who never escaped that kind of situation and never really grew up. Emily has plenty of time, thankfully! One day she may be able to take criticism without having a meltdown, learn

And I wouldn't put it past Moffat to use Grant/Ghost just so he could put a G on his chest and make a Gay joke.

Fair dos. Craig is punk rock and Stephen is show tunes. Mr. Colbert is the dad you're excited to have drive you home from the babysitting gig because he will ask you about yourself and your plans. Craig is the dad who lives in the city (since the divorce) who, when your friend brings you there for their

It was on Japanese channels in the US in the 90s. (Thank goodness for subtitles) Battle Wine was the best!

Nick Kroll did a stand-up special and was Fabrice Fabrice for one of the acts. I still quote that set.

Bullshit. This movie was plenty funny. And for anyone who was doubly disappointed by the second movie's not being remotely as good as its book, which was already just okay except for the verbal slapstick, it's a gigantic relief. What the hell are you expecting from Bridget Jones but a bit of a laugh?

Me too! You couldn't see the Megatrons? Or were you too far off to the side? We crowded into the edge of one of the middle section and oh, there was fear. And joy. (I wouldn't shut up about the train joke for months.)

Ugh, that sucks! They did the split between Classic, Contemporary and Mystery years ago; I wonder why your local PBS just figured it out. I have moved so many times in the last few years - which also involves different cable or satellite companies, depending on house/neighborhood/borough, - that I always have to

What did you think of the latest series? I dig the whole tortured, sexy army vet clergyman thing, but I feel like this season was Super! Dramatic!!! (Also, I love that if I now hear music I don't like, I can adopt "And your JAZZ" as an internal snub.)

In these days of video hunt and peck, I would suggest BBC America (for the Attenboroughs' nature shows), the PBS Kids app, the PBS app, and Create TV (if you're one of us troglodytes who still has cable.)

That is very kind of you, sir. What's your summer tipple?

Does no one watch Masterpiece Mystery? This season of Endeavour was pretty groovy. To say nothing of the American airing of GBBO. PBS is free!

People get naked with their lawyers all the time in locker rooms and saunas; how is this different? Bobby isn't just some counselee; he is her partner in the business, emotionally, at the very least. And he knows this - otherwise, he would've bought her out the day her husband got that job.

"Now, if you don't mind, I have a chess game to finish. And you have to die, pointlessly, very far from home." Not normally a guesser, but I had a feeling.

I hadn't even noticed - was it in Daredevil? Probably because I'm exhausted by the mental whiplash caused by how fast and loose the show plays with NYC's geography. JJ I can see getting from "Hell's Kitchen" to Union Square Park in 5 minutes, but a strung-out Malcolm?

Wow, what a lovely, inspired, well-written write-up. Initially, I was feeling this episode was thunderingly heavy-handed; but, you've given me some fun things to think about, so thanks.

I don't think it was the influence either; I think he was congratulating the Zygon rebel commander for choosing to double someone clever enough to figure out that both the boxes were empty.

And him as the Ghost of Christmas Present in her Nan's Christmas Carol - yeah. And their Much Ado About Nothing!
Wait, where am I?