Wheres My Toast

Um … were they eating one of Clara's souffles??? At first I thought it was custard, but - I mean, it could be, right?

Bolt-hole: a safe or restful place : a place where you can hide or escape from something that is dangerous or unpleasant (chiefly British) - Merriam-Webster online.

Moff followed it up with a crack about Scottish accents being THE sexiest, emphasizing his own Scottish accent. It's entirely possible this was less a comment about the state of UK television and more Steven Moffat making it all about him.

No. I also have trouble understanding Capaldi. I did in The Hour as well. This time I suffered through one viewing with closed captioning on so I'd know what they were saying. I missed a lot the first time!

If you go by The Name of The Doctor, River was pretty sure that each Clara that saved each of the Doctors was a splinter version of Current Clara. Current Clara knows OF her other selves, but ISn't them. This is the first time she's had to deal with a new Doctor in her present lifetime. Not that it isn't

1. Thank you for giving Clara some credit!
2. Thank you for pointing out Eleven isn't beyond reproach! I love him, but …
3. If all your reviews are this well thought out and constructed, make them as long as you like.

At the Q&A in NY Moffat claimed that if he had been cast today, Tennant would've been allowed to keep his native accent. There's a whole side convo in here about the evolution of BBC Received Pronunciation back into Regional Splendour Everyone Will Have to Just Get Used to that I am not academically qualified to have;

Wait, wait, so what song would that be? I'd pay good money for "Thank You for Being a Friend." And so-so money for "Thank U 4 Lettin Me B Mice Elf Again" (sp?)

Nobody's afraid of uptown because they have poors there, as if there's only one 'hood'. You are choosing to assign fear where it doesn't exist. My shudder was one of revulsion. The Upper East Side is gross for the same reason the Upper West Side is gross, which is the same reason Park Slope is gross - in the minds of

Well, to be really fair, IminyJo and I are really showing off how well we know New York City and its local Target stores. Not the stores' contents as such.

Oh, they're all accessible. I just see Danny as the type to have a car, and the kind of person who'd rather shoot into Jersey for the easy access and parking (plus cheap gas outside the tunnel!) versus fighting the FDR, or crawling through downtown Manhattan and downtown Brooklyn just to park in that weird underground

From SoHo or Tribeca or whatever, Danny probably jumped in his car and zipped over to the one right across the river in Jersey City. No tax! Of course, there is one in Harlem, but that's…UPTOWN *shudder*

And the message written across the universe wouldn't be "BAD WOLF" or "HELLO SWEETIE" but "FUCK YOU CHRIS!"

I was pre-sold on Oliver as a stand-up fan and sometimes Bugler, but what really put him over the top for me was his killing the imaginary kitten everyone awwed over. Everyone else would have gone on being consoling. Evil, gleeful gold.

What, have you guys not seen the show Life with Damian Lewis? It's Burt Chance that's the real eye opener after getting to know Dillahunt as Russian Mafia Mastersscumbag Roman Nevikov. Lovely interview on Nerdist, FYI.

@avclub-0d88c6193f1a828ef949c4d7fd6f5431:disqus : If we had seen Darcy back in the Netherfield days, we would have seen the same version Jane did. However, after getting yelled at by Lizzie, and after watching her complain about him repeatedly on her videos, he's bent on proving himself to be not so very stuck

Also, we must keep in mind that by the time we see Darcy, he's completely in love with Lizzie and she makes him way nervous. ("Did he do that thing where he pulls his chin into his chest?") Add that to the major responsibilities he has as a CEO and older brother (who's already had to deal with some serious ugliness)

Dear Steve, and apparently anyone who doesn't hang out in bars(?): If someone asks you if you want to make out, they are requesting sex. At closing time in bars, anyway. I am very confident that at least some of the Parks writers are aware of and are using this connotation.

Dear Steve, and apparently anyone who doesn't hang out in bars(?): If someone asks you if you want to make out, they are requesting sex. At closing time in bars, anyway. I am very confident that at least some of the Parks writers are aware of and are using this connotation.

I believe it was "my mom's a rube". So Finn doesn't think much of his mom putting up with his dad's bs either.