
RSH I agree with all your points. Thank you.

Exactly, Waits. And it's shit like OTP's post that really gets to me.

Like i said on the transformers comments, my boyfriend dragged me to see it. And yes, I'm willing to admit I saw it, there's no shame in sacrificing for a loved one.

Another Great Review
By the AVC. That last sentence, whew!

Waits, funny you should mention demolition derbies. In my vitriolic post on the Transformers review wall, I mentioned that my experience seeing Transformers last night was like being in the movie Idiocracy. It was horrible and a nightmare. For more details, see my post. I still taste vomit everytime I think about it.

Oh OH! I think I understand now.

stupid double post! I blame Transformers. Also, Martian, I must sadly admit that I in no way understand your post. Maybe I'm more of a Philistine than I originally thought.

I saw this last night, because my boyfriend dragged me to see it. It was infinitely more awful than I thought it was going to be, and I thought it was going to be pretty bad. Two and a half hours felt like 10, and by the end of the movie I had a splitting headache.

I saw this last night, because my boyfriend dragged me to see it. It was infinitely more awful than I thought it was going to be, and I thought it was going to be pretty bad. Two and a half hours felt like 10, and by the end of the movie I had a splitting headache.

Yeah, forgive me for those two posts. They make me look like an idiot.

Seconded, Karatloz. While Steve Martin does TECHNICALLY get a lifetime pass from me, I just can't stand to see the memory of Peter Sellers' roll desecrated. A Shot in the Dark brings me to tears of laughter every time.

Ok, it's not. I'm an idiot. Just did a Google Image search and found him. Man, I have been on the AVC for over three years now and I didn't know what Nathan Rabin looked like. Shoot me now.

Is the Guy to the left of Josh
Nathan? Am I an idiot for asking that question? I've been wondering what Nathan looks like and can't seem to find a picture of him.

Hey! I still really enjoy that BNL album. And I'm NOT ashamed. Solid 90s pop music.

And bored
On a 30th century night
Will I see you
On "The Price is Right"?

Shouldn't it be "craigslist"???

Yummsh, I have to say I completely disagree. I think you're reading into her way too much and giving her more credit than she deserves. I think she's just a younger version of Joan Rivers: vapid, shallow, greedy, and lacking anything resembling a soul.

Joyce said that "Yes" was a female word. For some reason, I understand that, but I can't explain it.

I'm certainly no dance expert, but does anyone think Caitlin is pretty mediocre?? I mean, she is incredibly strong and flexible, but she doesn't seem to have the kind of grace that I would expect from a really great dancer. Personally, I thought her sister, while not as technically strong, had more grace and

That last paragraph is one of the most moving I've ever read.