
The Dead
What a great little gem at the end of this review, comparing the movie to the final scene in JJ's The Dead. Count on AVC to highlight such unique and powerful associations between two wonderful pieces of art that I would never think to bring together.

Exactly, JC. Also, doesn't it seem the most likely that Em was told that there would be a stunt, but not that he would have SBC's naked butt cheeks in his face? That's my theory.

If it wasn't staged
…then how come Eminem was conveniently mic'd?

Ate a grape
And I….

According to EW's Michael Aussiello's TV scorecard, the CW has officially canceled Reaper.

Why do my comments always illicit such vitriolic responses? I demand Phel-like admiration!

Why do my comments always illicit such vitriolic responses?? I mean no harm.

Wow, Fail awarded to me, instead. I had the comments set on "Newest First" without knowing it.


AVC never reviewed it, did they?

Blast from the Pastrious:

The pithiest tag line the AVC has ever offered for one of their movie reviews. I laughed out loud at work when I read that.


Well, I did ASK why everyone loved it. I was curious. That's why I decided to comment.

1) You can certainly show the flaws in something while still showing affection for it. Perhaps "idolize" was a bad choice of words, but I still think the show definitely has affection and love for the people and place it is portraying. What I'm saying is I have no love for the subject matter, hence the lack of appeal.

I just think that the show isn't much more than a soap opera idolizing small-town, football-loving, God-fearing America. I have no attachment to small-town life, football, God, or contrived melodrama. Consequently, the show holds no appeal.

Well, considering the response to such an innocuous comment on my part, I've determined that FNL fans are cretins who can't take it when confronted with an opinion that differs from their own.

Man, being told you don't have a heart or a soul sucks way more than any television show. You people are cruel and I'm going to go jump off a cliff now.

Thanks Liz2 4eva. Nice to know I have *one* admirer.

Wow, so much hate. It's not like I'm saying I hate The Wire or Deadwood.