

This show sucks
Why all the love, AVC?

This show sucks
Why so much love, AVC?

I literally
Just creamed my pants. Over a children's movie. Think that makes me a perv or something.

She sounds very intelligent. I always imagined her as kind of ditzy and full of herself. Maybe she IS full of herself, but at least now I feel like she has some kind of reason to be.

Good point, Smilner.

In my defense, if you see my other comment, there's an explanation why I don't like this music, and it has nothing to do with "cred". Let me reiterate in further detail:

I think my overtly sexual comments are actually meant to disguise my jealousy of phel's good looks. ::SOB:: NO ONE WANTS ME!!!

Oh come on, phel. Be a sport. Take your clothes off. You know you want to.

I can't believe there are AVC commentors that like Thursday and Brand New. Am I in some kind of alternate hell-universe? Have all AVC commentors become teeny-bopper music fans?

Thursday is one of the worst bands I have ever heard. No concept of melody, the lead singer's voice makes me want to punch a baby…what else can I say? It's like a bad emo band combined with wanna-be metalheads. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad combination.

I just like to get naked.


Hold up now, scotteb. It needs to be tasteful. Tasteful as a Jenna Jameson movie.

I'm in for jello wrestling. While we're at it, let's make it naked jello wrestling. Phel, the gauntlet has been thrown. I await your response with anticipitation….(i.e., I'm a horny bitch!)

I take offense
Phel is NOT the only female commentor, and certainly not the hottest.

Karatloz, you got a huge chuckle out of me, because I also have the burden of perpetual guilt. My name is Liz2, and I'm a Self-Hater.

My Cock is the Prime Mover, Bitches.

Hilary Duff's Comment
To Faye Dunaway has my blood boiling. That stupid, vain, vapid, no-talent, no-good bitch-cunt has no right to say ANYTHING to Faye Dunaway that is in any way critical. That bitch should rot in hell.

Acceptable and Acceptable. Let's make this happen.