
Wow, we get it, you've read A Confederacy of Dunces…and nothing else, apparently.

Sorry, Gary. I may have been confusing you with someone else, possibly ElDan. There are just so many avatars now! I'm one of the old fogies who's been hanging around since 2006 (though under a different name), when @phel:disqus and OY! ruled the comments section and Zach Handlen was a commenter, not an employee of the

Sorry, Gary. I may have been confusing you with someone else, possibly ElDan. There are just so many avatars now! I'm one of the old fogies who's been hanging around since 2006 (though under a different name), when @phel:disqus and OY! ruled the comments section and Zach Handlen was a commenter, not an employee of the

I….you amaze me, Pantaloons. You amaze me.

Are you fucking serious?  Sure, Americans have a history of racism that we continue to battle. But unlike Europe, we deal with it more openly, acknowledge that we have issues, and continue to try to fix them. Europe likes to pretend it isn't racist all the while saying and doing things so abominably racist they would

While Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas is my favorite Christmas tune as well, I need to completely disagree that this is a successful version. To me, no one can touch Judy Garland's version from the movie Meet Me in St. Louis. She infused the perfect amount of sadness, yearning, and richness that no one has been

Type in Babyshambles:

Yummsh, you must be gettin' soft to endorse a show like this. Granted, it's a show I would watch, but I'm still pleasantly surprised to see your positive comments.

Kyle Ryan is his name
Loving Fall Out Boy is his game.

That's so true about the Quality Control. But thankfully, the best Taco Bell ever is right near my house. Their stuff is always perfectly cooked and melty and moist and their tortillas are never dried out and the cheese is ALWAYS melted perfectly. Nothing is ever cold. I LOVE IT.

God I Love Taco Bell
If I was Superman, it would be my kryptonite.

I Don't Like This Guy
It certainly seems that a lot of strips don't "speak" to him, whatever that means. And, buddy, if Calvin and Hobbes can't "speak" to you, I really don't know what will.

Definitely Need to Buy Tickets
Love the music but never seen the actual performance. Probably going to buy tickets within the next couple days. Anyone wanna go sometime in August?

Waits, I love you. Be mine.

Shue, I read your post and liked it. This thread really did blow up, and I LOVE it when that happens. I'm a freakin commentor for christ's sake. Of course I enjoy conflict.

Well, both OTP and I enjoyed Dr. Acula's comments. I think that's how we should end this, by agreeing on something. I profess to be a little melodramatic, but hey, if you can't be passionate about things, why bother? I hope I didn't annoy everyone too much. Despite what it may seem like, OTP, I LIKE talking about

Dr. Acula, I concede to your comments. You're right, I am an elitist, and in my mid-2os. But, like Mark84 said, elitism is different from fascism. And it doesn't mean that I think the world is "doomed" or that people should be controlled. It just means I'm very disappointed a lot of the time.

OTP, I'm not judging peoples' intelligence based on whether they agree with me or not. That's where your logic is flawed. It seems to me like YOU are saying that no one can pass judgment on anyone else, and therefore, there's no way to say this person is intelligent and this person isn't. What do you use to judge

Thanks Waits. I think you made more clear what I was trying to say, namely that as humans, we inherently judge and SHOULD judge our own actions and the actions of others. If you want to say that passing judgment on the abominable taste of the masses is wrong, then you also have to say that having moral fiber is wrong,

I didn't realize that having standards is the same thing as being fascist.