argyle in the limo

Jack White isn't like me, because Jack White is better than me, and everyone else.

Yep, forgot about that…thanks for the reminder!

Tywin must love gut worms.

I don't think Edric was introduced until a Storm of Swords, after the battle at King's Landing, so there's still time. Although, the show seems to dislike bloating the character base. I'm worried that Damphair isn't going to be a character, at all, which would be a shame.

Which creates questions as to how Jaime's/Brienne's story is going to be handled.

The Reeds are two of my favorites in the books, so personally I'm pretty disappointed they seem to be looping them out, esp. given their own unique powers and abilities.  That said, maybe they don't want to make a twenty-season TV show.

One way the show has enhanced the storyline from the book: making Renly's death a true loss insofar as he clearly seems poised to be a decent and fair king.  The book hinted around that a bit, but I liked how they underscored it here.

Right? There's no former-criminal edge to him.

Very true. Forgot the second point AND the last, awesome, point.

This is the second time they've been saved.  I mean, they DO need the money, although it seems like Dave and Rachel are running away with it due to basic competence.

Has anyone else noticed how slow Ralph and Vanessa are in moving in and out of airports, to and from cabs? They got in early and were the last to leave the airport. They are clearly in the back of the pack, and have been this whole time. The whole shoulder dislocation probably will end their run…

You're right.  in the book she lets him go as she wants to see the cycle of violence end and just wants her kids back. Littlefinger had nothing to do with it.

I always pictured him as a little more sea worn and shabby and less confident…

And he wasn't a very good shot, either, if I'm remembering right.

Anyone else think Davos is horribly cast?  He doesn't read so stodgy and rigid in the books.  In fact, he's incredibly insecure in the books and was a former smuggler. I just don't read that from this actor and it is really annoying me as Davos is one of my favorites in the books.

Uh,  when is this thing coming out?  It says on Pitchfork that you can get it at Amazon, and Amazon says it's not available until May 29th.  Why write a review eight weeks before the release?

I've been listening to Night Drive nonstop for six months now and am really psyched for this release.  Glad to see something about it that isn't knee-jerk…

Yeah, that just doesn't make sense to me, b/c the double u-turn is then pointless if the u-turned team has a team behind them.  Like last night, it basically just kept the same order of teams and made us all watch people stand in line.

This is what I don't understand: how can Team A, which has been u-turned — and is now required to go back and do the other challenge — be able to u-turn someone who has completed the challenge?  Isn't Team A officially not finished with the challenge once they are U-Turned, and therefore ineligible to U-Turn someone

Really sad I didn't catch this when it first came over the AV Club. I'm reading Drought now — my second Ballard novel after reading Crash right after the movie came out — and am enjoying it a great deal.  As a fan of dystopian fiction and anthropological sci fi like Leguin, I'm very excited to read High Rise and the