argyle in the limo

Horrible SY album covers do exist.  They are called Washing Machine and Confusion is Sex. Murray Street is my favorite and Daydream, obv.

Missing the Bob Bert-SY connection is a pretty big blunder says I, the aging SY fan who cares too much about these things.

modern music…bleh.

Please do the Bobby Darrin movie next!!! Vanity projects abound!!!

Suspira after midnight…
No way anyone stays awake through that movie. It's scary, sure, but not enough to keep anyone from drifting off.

Grave Architecture is a great song, maybe their best, but the album doesn't have the same cohesive feel that Brighten the Corners does for me, or Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain…anyway, I bought Wowee Zowee when it came out and it's never moved from likeable to classic status for me, so I'm just a little surprised that all

from someone who hasn't seen the movie
This movie looks as lame as the graphic novel from which the story comes. As a dork who has read graphic novels from the age of 12, I gotta say there is nothing about that graphic novel that is "groundbreaking."

Why does everyone love Wowee Zowee so much? I'm just curious. I've listened to that album dozens of times and consider it one of Pavement's weakest efforts, well behind Brighten the Corners…just curious.

You could also argue that while the Stones bent their style to fit the whims of the period, Young, during his 70s heyday, was actively setting the musical agenda. While Young was inspiring, and being inspired by, the punk movement, the Stones were releasing Disco songs and wearing m0nochromatic leisure suits.

I dunno about that. Those Stones albums are all pretty amazing, but the depth of Young's creativity — his innovation and approach to the art — completely eclipses the Stones, IMO. Have you ever read Jagger's lyrics? Awful, awful stuff compared to Young's.