
His joke was based on the a-bomb, and as far as I know, yeah, Japan is the only Asian country we've dropped that one on.

Just stick your fingers out and act like you're turning without turning the wheel. Your fingers will hit the stick and push it the right direction.

Just remember this - the turn signal handle goes the direction you're turning the wheel. You turn left, you turn the wheel counter-clockwise, you move the blinker down. Opposite going to the right.

Mine didn't want to wear diapers anymore. I said, ok, you can have undies, but if you make a mess, you get to clean it up. She's done pretty well.

Not sure if you would really want Cowboy (Carl) Soup at Pee Wee's Playhouse…

I'd say 80% of the American population probably has nice marbling.

Thing that has crossed my mind quite a few times is what if Trump weren't such a walking id? If he could control himself, think of the damage he could really inflict. There are a bunch of Republicans that think like him, but are much more savvy and realize that they could win with his ideals. Those types of folks

Just like him and real women!

Or the other option - sends husband off to be killed in war.

God damned communists!

I like what Mattis said last month. "If you don’t fund the State Department fully, then I need to buy more ammunition ultimately".

Deautofenestration? Or maybe autorefenestration? I want more letters in this word.

My 5 year old used to say stuff like Trump. Not fair, unfair, all that crap. I tell her life ain't fair and it's best to learn that and move forward with life. Something tells me ole' Fred never told Trump anything similar.

I listened to the news this morning on the way to work and realized that I was freaking out by the time I got in the office. I tried to figure out why that was. Then I realized that childhood fear of dying in a nuclear war, which pretty much died in the early 90s, had come back.

This guy, oh, this guy. Chaffetz was the guy that offered up the legislation to transfer federal lands to the states and private businesses. I live in the west and spend a lot of time recreating on public lands and this got me going. Buddy of mine isn't political but said if they did this transfer it might spur him

A Mexican Muslim with teeny tiny hands and a horrific combover.

No way dude! That's the fuel tank for a sex machine! **BELCH**

I figured everyone knew about Clamato, but then I used to go through that stuff by the case when I bartended in Montana. Of course, Montana is practically in Canada, but still.

This thread has given me a mild, maybe sour taste in my mouth.

Powdered urine, to be specific. Trump will love it!