

True. I'm sure that Russia and China won't be cool with us dropping nukes in their back yard.


In the future, they'll be called foons.

Geez, how long does it take you to eat?

My 6-year-old has deeply held beliefs that she should be able to chew gum while she's sleeping, but it still ain't happening. People.

Remove them both?

As Carlin said, 'Selling is legal, fucking is legal. Why isn't selling fucking legal?!'

But, she'll have to pee on you first. I guess if you're into that.

It's like Space Invaders and if you say it out loud it sounds just like the game! Where's my spaceship?

All my friends are liberals, but we're inter-mountain west liberals. Meaning we all have guns and know how to shoot, hunt and survive. If this starts to go down, we're all going Red Dawn on this shit.

Yeah, their type of showing spine is more of the Blood Eagle type of showing spine…

I had read it passingly for a while, then after 9/11, the article that really struck me was headlined with a picture of Bin Laden and Bush - 'Privileged Sons of Millionaires Battle on World Stage'.

I remember mine. George McGovern was up there talking about how his daughter had died of alcoholism and we were all going to die as alcoholics and our lives were going to suck. It was hot and I was pretty hungover and started thinking, 'yeah, maybe you're right, because life certainly sucks at this moment…'

Nah, he DJDeluxeSupreme is showing smart - would make the pres uneasy.

Go away - hackin'!

When I was getting my geology degree, a classmate of mine expressed that he was working toward a PhD in geology. Said he didn't believe any of the science of geology and that he was a creationist. I asked him why and his answer was that he wanted to learn all he could about geology so that he could find the best way

Um, is that last tweet using 'irredeemable' correctly? I must not know what that word means, or must not be in on a joke.

Montana is huge. I grew up in Missoula and I barely know anything about the state east of the mountains. It's basically a 9 hour intersate drive to get from Missoula to North Dakota. I know a lot of good people from the eastern side of the state, but I can't say I'd ever go out of my way to visit.

Lot of space between Missoula and Billings. Following 90, Butte and Anaconda folk are down to earth, but don't fuck with them because they are tough as nails. Must be all the heavy metals in the water. Bozeman is good - lot's of imports, but then Missoula has a lot too. Livingston is a pretty good town - just