
ooh! I kind of understood a bit more of the Grounder language this time! Still need subtitles but I was getting the general drift.

Lexa as Grounder Commander was genius. I usually don't care for Jahar or Kane's storylines but that was interesting. Mount Weather is starting to heat up and Clarke is setting up the rescue! Loved how Raven deferred to Clarke and demonstrated to Abby that Clarke/Bellamy are Leaders in the minds of the 100. Raven

The fight between Anya and Clarke was fantastic. It showed how superior Anya's fighting skills were compared to Clarke and yet the culmination of Clarke winning was very believable. Am seriously devastated that Dichen Lachman is now done on this show. Boo!

But the reviewer suggested that race was an issue. So emma makes a good point to bring it up, no?

That's one of the things I find weird too. It doesn't really sound that bad? That's why I think I forgot that Thomas didn't die. Timmy down the well is a lassie storyline. Does it really scar you for life?

Oh for sure. But I'm not surprised that someone who has basically spent his life being molded by psychopaths has become a psychopath. I know it's wrong but I'm looking forward to his redemption arc (or whatever it becomes if not that). The guy does bad things but he makes them damn entertaining.

Danny saying to his mum that he and Mindy had gone halfsies in a unisex winter jacket and the imagery of him shrugging on the purple puffy, faux fur lined rim ladies jacket made me crack up. It was so quick!

Surely Ward is now vindicated in that he was telling the truth about what happened at the well? I'm shocked that that is still up in the air? The fact that Christian lied to Ward about meeting his wife at the cabin when he was really meeting his mistress. The fact that he admitted it. I believed that confession 100%

I thought Thomas died in the well, and that was why Ward was so broken up about it. Is that not what happened? Do we know what happened to Thomas?

Was so surprised this didn't end with the reveal that Mindy made the diary up for Danny to stumble upon. I can't believe Mindy wasn't talking about other guys, complaining about her co-workers, bitching about her friends, gossiping about celebrities. I mean come on! This is Mindy!

It seemed like it. But do you think he really was? Purposefully trying to get caught by Claire?

I liked that line a lot actually. It's not something that you hear very often and an interesting/pointed way to demonstrate that Jamie is younger than Claire and that she might have things to teach him.

Whoa, how weird. Okay letting that go.

The books say that the Laird's name is Callum, I'm assuming that the pronunciation is Collum. But is the name in the show actually spelled Colum cos that is not working for me.

Goddamn, Jesus is working on my last nerve.

Wyatt has another job on 'Finding Carter' as Max. I like seeing him in both shows so I definitely hope he's sticks around.

Some of us would like to see well rounded queer representation in a show that was sold to us as 'gay friendly'.

Also I hated that scene in the locker rooms with Derek, Liam and Scott. What was the point of Derek bullying Liam? And Scott going along with it. He didn't even really talk to him about keeping control of himself. Like, at least explain to the poor kid that you're not trying to victimise him. I just felt sorry for the

I thought that the coach may have molested Liam. Did that cross anyone else's minds?

I've definitely read about it in fan fiction.