
I really hope this season turns into something awesome and not the writers cribbing from fan fiction (Baby Derek, Derek losing his powers) and re-using old character plot points (Mason as the New Danny and Liam as Jackson 2.0).

I get your vibe. I'm not loving the do-over with the new kids. Capturing the essence of season 1 doesn't mean they have to use the same character and plot points. This show has so much potential but it's just not pulling it off to me anymore.

Apparently it wasn't muted on the non-HD stream. I've seen a post on tumblr that showed the dialogue. Which was about Lydia freaking out about the spilled wine on the carpet because the family is selling the house. More money problems anvils, apparently.

Man totally agree. I think we've seen it more and more with the development of Derek's character. We've been exposed to more and more of Derek's past and it's darker and darker and darker. I think the writer's have used him and others (as you mentioned, also Boyd and Erica) as plot devices without giving any real

Damn I'd like to watch that. BtVS as Mars Investigations!

Not loving PedoKate either. Jesus that's depressing. Poor Derek.