
Holy shit, did Mindy get pregnant because Morgan wasn't around to ground up birth control and put it in her coffee? Awesome continuity, if so.

Sorry, wasn't intending to call you out. I'm certain this is not the only time I've read this and not only on this forum. I just thought I was missing out on an in-joke. I can't have that!

Only Raven.

I don't disagree, but Octavia has mixed loyalties (for the Grounders and the 100) but not really towards the Arkers. I just thought Kane demonstrated he doesn't really have the savvy needed to enter into that kind of diplomacy. He just assumed that Octavia would be on his side when all of the 100, particularly

Is calling Octavia 'Olivia' purposeful? Is there some kind of in-joke about it?

Lexa was definitely making sexy eyes at Clarke out there. I could definitely be into it.

And Lettie Mae on True Blood. HBO let her down twice! I'm glad we're finally seeing something more than abject hatred from Indra. It was starting to make her seem one-dimensional.

I thought it was interesting that Raven seemed to lose it in a similar kind of way as Finn did. In that it was almost a break from reality. Like they both go the crazy mile for the people they love.

Absolutely telegraphed and yet the dread just kept increasing as I came to realise that they were truly going to go through with it. I felt like they put us exactly in Clarke's shoes (except that we could see their efforts would be futile) and at the end I actually thought Clarke might be desperate enough to try to

Agreed. That truly was battle. Even Bellamy had no idea about his 320, though of course his actions would have killed everyone on the Ark if he'd not been stopped. However he expressed the right amount of guilt (for my liking) so I could forgive him. I can't forgive Murphy for his actions because a) it was straight up

You know I don't think Lexa thought Clarke was going to kill Finn. Just from her face when Clarke turned to her bloody handed. Lexa's face screamed shock and deep respect. I thought Lexa saw a lot of herself in Clarke in that moment.

I absolutely think if Finn (and Raven) hadn't wasted 3 months of oxygen the 320 people wouldn't have been killed. But then neither would the 100 have been sent down to the ground. Didn't they say in the first episode that it would take 9 months to fix the Ark but they only had 6 months of life support?

Get to episode 5 and you'll be all in.

Raven and Clarke.

I think the issue is that the Grounders were protecting themselves from the actions of the Arkers since The 100 were dropped. They only "attacked" when Jasper tried to cross the boundary that would rouse the reapers or the mountain men. That set off the start of the war. While it's not the kids fault for not knowing

Sobbing. Actual sobbing. This show. It is amazing. How will Raven feel about Clarke? It can't be good, I need them to besties. Lexa and Clarke are so similar in their fierceness. I love them both. I really hope the show doesn't kill Lexa off ala Anya. I actually thought it was possible in that moment that Clarke

With Arrow and The 100 last night, Wednesday night TV is the real MVP this week. This show is so freakin' good. I did miss Raven though (Ravensgate is a great name for their secret exit and I don't care that it should be Raven's gate). I did not miss Kane nor Maya.

I think you're right about the riffraff but I wasn't really imagining them sitting down for chocolate cake. More harvesting genetic stock and letting them go.

I actually suspect given Wallace's interesting moral stance on the 100, that it's about prejudice. The Mountain Men don't want 'inferior' animalistic genetic stock.

Should the Mountain Men have been using the Grounder DNA for more than just a blood cleanse? If they'd been slowly mixing the Mount Weather stock with Grounder stock they'd breed radiation resistant kids fairly soon wouldn't they? I mean surely they have the technology to do artificial insemination. Yeah it would be