Hedwigs Angry Inch

I love Neko Case and go to see her play whenever she's nearby.  And Kelly is one of my favorite parts about seeing Neko.  She is so funny, telling all kinds of jokes and stories to the audience in between songs (whereas Neko doesn't really interact too much with the audience).  Listening to this now on NPR

I've seen Firefly probably 3-4 times and it wasn't until last weekend when I happened to catch Serenity (the movie) on TV that I noticed the dinosaurs.  Now I'm going to have to go back and rewatch Firefly just to keep an eye out for them.

I've seen Firefly probably 3-4 times and it wasn't until last weekend when I happened to catch Serenity (the movie) on TV that I noticed the dinosaurs.  Now I'm going to have to go back and rewatch Firefly just to keep an eye out for them.

not at all.  Its horrible. I can listen to the Buffy and Angel themes all day and never get sick of them.  But I always have to skip Firefly's.  I might think Joss is tha man, but he is definitely not perfect and those lyrics are living proof.

not at all.  Its horrible. I can listen to the Buffy and Angel themes all day and never get sick of them.  But I always have to skip Firefly's.  I might think Joss is tha man, but he is definitely not perfect and those lyrics are living proof.

Posted this above in a reply but will post it again here.  Basically, she could have delivered the tangibles for $100,000.  But with $1 million, she can make the packages more deluxe, the art better, tour more, etc.

Posted this above in a reply but will post it again here.  Basically, she could have delivered the tangibles for $100,000.  But with $1 million, she can make the packages more deluxe, the art better, tour more, etc.

Can't remember which episode its from but my all time favorite quotable quote bgoes something like. 
"its a vicious circle"
"it is"
"its a never ending circle"
"just keeps going round and round"
"never ends"
"that's what makes it vicious"
"and a circle"

Can't remember which episode its from but my all time favorite quotable quote bgoes something like. 
"its a vicious circle"
"it is"
"its a never ending circle"
"just keeps going round and round"
"never ends"
"that's what makes it vicious"
"and a circle"

yes!  I crushed so hard on him during China Beach.  Which brings up the perennial question: why no China Beach on DVD?  I'm guessing it has something to do with music rights. 

yes!  I crushed so hard on him during China Beach.  Which brings up the perennial question: why no China Beach on DVD?  I'm guessing it has something to do with music rights. 

I demand Pig Trials.  Make it happen, TBS.  

totally agree.  i have such a hard time recommended The Magicians to my friends, because while I thought it was a good book, I haaaated Quentin so much, even though I recognized that he was supposed to be this whiny, dickish teenager/young 20-something (as most teenagers and early 20-somethings are those things).  I

I forgot it as well!  I was just waiting for him to miss the jump.  So when he hit the field, it was still surprising. 

"xu", as well.  and "xis" and "qat".  Amaze (=piss off) your friends!  And then have them learn to use these awesome words against you.


nah, this is HBO, she'll have both of 'em out. 

Friday:  Watched Pee Wee's Big Adventure which I surprisingly somehow went 33 years without seeing.  Made me very nostalgic for the Playhouse TV show and Chairry and Pteri.