Hedwigs Angry Inch

I'll always love the episode of the Dead Author's Podcast with Ben Schwartz as Roald Dahl and him finding out on stage while answering audience questions that Dahl was an anti-Semite. http://oh-whiskers.tumblr.c…

i love that movie, I'm psyched that it'll be on Netflix. Hilarious and one of the few Jim Carrey movies I can stand.

I love love love the 1955 movie We're No Angels. Humphrey Bogart, Peter Ustinov and Aldo Ray are hilarious and we watch it every year at Christmas. But most people think of the 1989 movie of the same name whenever I talk about it (if they even remember that there is another one). I've never see that movie

I was just going to say the same thing. The Andre stories in Elwes' book were fantastic. The one of him passing out in the hotel lobby was priceless.

No lie, just last week I was wanted to go back and re-listen to their rendition of Skid Row from Little Shop of Horrors but didn't even know where to begin to find it again. So great job internet, indeed!

I'm honestly ashamed to say when I went to see GBH this past weekend, I thought that was Alan Arkin.

that was exactly what I said. Denial is the first stage of grief, right? Think I'm just gonna stay there.

I know this is shouting into the void at this point but please please please bring back the ability to see all the episodes of a given season/show on one page, where you can click through to the specific review (if one can do this with the new design, I have yet to figure it out). I used that feature all the DAMN

The RSS feeder is a hell of a lot worse. It always irritated me that I just couldn't read the whole article in feedly and would have to click through to the main site but at least before it gave me almost a full paragraph to help me decide if I wanted to click through. Now its just one irritating set-up sentence.

Was just gonna say….
(looked up on IMDB, it was Trini Alvarado)

@avclub-57f4bb993d7160a02eafdb3fb99835af:disqus me too!  Unless you're being sarcastic, in which case I…uh…have totally been pronouncing it the correct way all along.

the scene where Giles' girlfriend (whose name escapes me at the moment) is looking out the window and the Gentlemen float by.

I don't know why I read this stuff when I know its gonna upset me.  I had to put my first dog down almost a year ago (cancer is a bitch) and it still makes me cry to talk about. She was the first pet that truly belonged to only me (not counting family pets growing up) and my best buddy. Coming up on the anniversary of

Paul F. Thompkins' cover of "Skyfall" for the win.  Video ruined only slightly in the beginning by the people who think he's doing it humorously and are laughing.  Once he hits the chorus though, they see he's for serious. http://www.youtube.com/watc…

dude, I'm 35, single, renting, around $90,000 in debt.  It sucks that people like us can't do drugs (I get way too paranoid and introspective).  But thats why I have beer in my life.


@avclub-5e5e0bd5ad7c2ca72b0c5ff8b6debbba:disqus you are bringing back some hard core memories!!  Mid 90s ABC daytime soaps were the greatest.

oh man, ABC soaps saw me through from probably around 6th grade up through most of college.  Loving (totally dating myself there), AMC, OLTL, GH…GH especially, since it was the only one to make it through the transition to college.   I remember recording them daily on my faithful VHS and watching them after school.  I

Just saw on twitter that Koski's gone too. WTF, this is all no bueno.

YES YES YES!  Just now watching it and was so psyched.  Love that movie.