Hedwigs Angry Inch

Yes.  Yes it was.

gonna be waiting a long time then, since she has said that's never gonna happen.

Its gone forever.  That funny, young, lost look I used to have when I'd think about Hitchcock's adaptation of Rebecca.  And it won't ever come back.

you're not the only one…I never skip the intros (but I do skip all the promos)

And Michael Ian Black on twitter: "I just found out there's going to be a "Wet Hot American Summer" sequel from @mshowalter:disqus on TV. Apparently, I'm not in it."

vvvvv THIS!!!  Can I get DAWES NOT COMPUTE in a t-shirt, please, AV Club?   Preeeeetty please? 

I want to say Simone but I might be wrong…

oh why not.  Sure I'm "supposed" to be working on a job talk for an interview.  But this is way more fun and likely to produce positive results.

I haven't seen any of these!  What do I win?

Jerry's "Oh I'm stressed" followed with the little hand movement is regular thing in my life…

I couldn't even watch it, it was so cringe-inducing.  I love Chris Cooper but even he couldn't make that watchable.

I agree, the scene of them picking him up (and his set-up of it ) was genius

what about Beth Ditto?  Not that I consider her ugly, but she does not fit the conventional beauty stereotypes, i.e., her weight.  But she rocks hard and is successful at what she does and shows no signs of changing her image.

Let's see…
On Thursday I had a super quiet T-day alone, so I started in on the first season of Cheers, via Netflix.  I don't think I have ever seen the really early episodes (most of my Cheers memories include Rebecca and Woody) but I am amazed at how well they hold up.  Going to try and follow along with the TV Club

I saw it, and it hit me square in my nostalgia zone, which was OK by me.  It was very enjoyable, and I loved the songs (except Chris Cooper's "rap"…wtf?!).  Walter didn't do much for me but let's face it, I was there for Rowlf (who did not get as much screen time as I had hoped) and Animal.  All said and done, it was

I just started CoK after finishing GoT this weekend and agree so far about Stannis.  Since I watched the series before reading GoT, I kind of knew what was coming (it was still exciting to read) but now I have NO idea whats in store and thats a little bit thrilling :)

I recently saw him give a Q&A at the Cine Arts festival in Houston (where they screened his movie The Woman in the Fifth and he got an award) and someone in the audience asked did he believe the characters ended up together and he basically said they would need a 3rd movie to answer that.  Very happy that he wasn't

Yes to all those.  Also, "Same Time, Same Place"…with the Gnarl demon stripping off the skin of its victims…shit creeped me out.  And also "Listening to Fear" with that creepy-ass demon on the ceiling in Joyce's room.  Yikes.

^^ that would actually be pretty fascinating.
