Hedwigs Angry Inch

what he said.  Waiting to see how the 2 website system works.  If the overall price doesn't change, I probably will keep what I have (1 disc at a time, streaming).   Choosing between streaming or DVD is too difficult.  Now I know how Sophie felt.

yeah, its not even coming up in the search engine to save for the future.

I'm disappointed for Tony Head.  I want to see him work more.

I'm still using my 5th (I think?) gen 30gb ipod, and its at least what, 5 years old, if not older.  Still works like a champ.  Its only been in the last year that I've started having problems with the click wheel (glue shifting the pads, making it not want to click); problems easily fixed with some googling and some

Closer to Fine.
Language or the Kiss

Friday:  Went out to hear some music, see some art, and go to a party.  No sitting home drinking alone watching movies for once!

I'm with you, re: just liking it OK.  I really admired the style and the story and the atmosphere it generated.  I admit I wasn't prepared for all the violence (especially at 1130am on a Saturday) but I still came out saying "that was good".  But not saying "OMG BEST THING EVAH".  Basically, I saw it and I'm glad but

mild spoilers for Adjustment Bureau and Limitless:

I watched Everything Must Go on Saturday.  I agree, it never really grabbed my attention.  Some good moments, and I do still have alot of love for Ferrell when he steps outside the comedy zone.  Made me want to rewatch Stranger Than Fiction…maybe next weekend.

having finally finished GoT tonight, can I say:

however, this meme can stay. 

good lord, let that "meme" go.

How can you look at that picture up there and not respond with a big ole goofy grin of your own?  Love him. 

great, now i'm depressed.

I think you're confusing the whole Sex and the City Carrie fantasyland with this one subplot that extended through the entire show's run (I don't count the movies, they don't exist to me).  If you watched the entire series, every episode (as I'm assuming you didn't), then you would know that in that one small respect,

agreed!  At the end, when Knives and Scott both say "wooooooowww" in wonderment, in sync, as the coins rain down on them, was when I fell solidly into the Knives and Scott camp.  So damn cute together. 

I was praying that all 3 Tammys would appear in the same scene tonight.  Alas….maybe in a future episode. 

I tried to watch this since I had heard relatively good things about the pilot, but it was too painful.  Painfully unfunny and painfully annoying.  I gave it a good 10 minutes tho.  Lesson learned:  turn the TV off after HIMYM.

Even if it weren't my favorite comedy on TV right now, I would watch this show just for the way Rob Lowe says "literally".  Makes me laugh every single time.