Hedwigs Angry Inch

its the new hair.  am i crazy or is it shorter (too lazy to pull up last season)

longest running scripted live action comedy on basic cable, i think.  way to fill that niche!

Party Down and Parks and Rec are mine…

from what i've read, he just came up with the idea, thought it would be funny, and ran with it.  tried to get the entire cast to do it too but they weren't having it. 

It will consume.  But its the best way to go.

or what Jack says about her character: "never go with a hippie to a second location".  That has to be in the top 5 greatest 30 Rock eps.

maybe she just wanted a cigarette….or a bundle of sticks. 

its his ex.

no no no
"…in a way that's more interesting than most of the show's villains thus far."

Oh, so we're hating Fleet Foxes now? Why didn't I get that memo?

caught up on True Blood (was 3 episodes behind), which I have to say is boring me. I could care less what happens to anyone now expect Pam, who is awesome personified. Also finished catching up on Wilfred, which I am loving, and watched a few eps of S5 Dexter, which I am slowly going through. Oh, also finished

picked up all of Buffy S1-S6 at out Major Video liquidation. Best. purchase. ever.

throwing more love for HoL. Love love love it, loved it even more when I got to see the whole thing performed live twice. The album has a foot stomping, fist pumping rousing number about murdering your kids. Whats not to like? (I kid, I kid, although I do fucking love that song). Also quite enjoyed the King is

sounds like it got filmed and then cut, at least thats how I read it. Maybe it'll end up on some special features section of the DVD…hope so, anyway.

I totally had that cassingle.

not every city has a Half Priced Books (although I loved it when I lived in San Antonio and could shop there on the reg). Here where I live, it comes down to B&N or Borders or the internet. The internet primarily wins but sometimes instant gratification wins (which means B&N wins since I still have my membership

spent Sunday hungover and re-watching S2 and S3 of Deadwood. Every time I watch that show, it confirms my opinion that it was the greatest thing ever put on TV.

the streaming is basically the only reason I've held on to my Wii. Cuz that Wii Fit sure isn't seeing any love.

an extra $3.50 a month, which is what it means for me if I keep the same plan, means a lot when you're a poor grad student. Time to reconsider, drop the discs and maybe start looking at Redbox..

Me too. Wanted to save some money by cutting back to the 1-a-month plus streaming. But now this stupid fucking plan, the 1-a-month+streaming is the pretty much the same price as my old 2-a-month plan. Fuck Netflix.