Hedwigs Angry Inch

we were wondering tonight if Bill knew this yet in the show (re: finding out he is related to the Bellefleurs. There ones of us who had read the books were quickly shushed by those who hadn't so we didn't have time to discuss it properly. But they are indeed related (And for what its worth **BOOK SPOILER**, in the

the 3rd AND 4th paragraph
Seriously. I know others have commented on it, but come on. If yall have screeners, you have time to write it up right. If you aren't writing this from a screener, take the time to write it up and don't be in such a hurry to post the review. We're not going anywhere.

you can always tell a Milford man.


Oh man, my favorite XF episode ever. I love love love it.

@YO MOMA…you do realize that you can create a thread, I can create a thread, and so on and so forth by clicking "POST A NEW COMMENT", right? And thus the Everyone's Waiting thread is just a thread set up to avoid spoiling the future shows for newbies, right? Its not the ONLY place for discussing the show, just an

either this is a prank
Or Hyden just pulled off the smoothest, most sarcastic post I've ever read. Either way, I bet O'Neal is sorry he didn't get to it first.

firefox and adblock are your friends.

its not. I think they could easily do the 3 books justice in 3 movies. They are no where near as long and involved as HP7 was.
Anything for a dollah.

if its Tuesday, Dawn must be in trouble.

thats not till the next movie. Come back in 2 years….

On one hand, I love this show. Its improved immensely from the first season and I'm totally hooked.

Patton brings some much needed humor to a show that can be extremely dark. I'd say he improves it immensely. Same goes for Izzard, who has been a fantastic addition to the show.

that man
was born ready.

I love the intro stuff, seriously. It is some of the darkest, most self-loathing, honest shit I've heard outside of my own head. And as cathartic as it must be for him to talk about it, its equally so for me to listen. At least until I can afford therapy.

I agree. I really enjoy S7 while seeing the flaws. And I particularly like the character developments of Buffy and the gang. I wonder how many people watched it at the time and bemoaned the fact that it wasn't the same as S2 or S3 while glossing over the fact that it COULDN'T be the same, because these characters

I think the first time I watched Buffy and Angel all the way through I followed a website's (http://www.squidoo.com/buff… suggested order and by this season it was basically just alternating the DVD discs, i.e. the order really doesn't matter until the end of Buffy…

Did yall not listen to his recent WTF podcast interview? He totally denied getting her back onto drugs! And he loved Phil like a father!

this pleases me
I think Woody will make a good drunken, surly Haymitch. Along with Elizabeth Banks as Effie, getting more and more excited for this. Plus knowing Suzanne Collins is on board and participating in the screenwriting gives me hope the movie might actually work…

well here i was all set to defend KB2 (which I happened to enjoy) but I just can't seem to find a counterargument to "blah blah blah"