Hedwigs Angry Inch

will it end up on kittehroulette.com? Thus gathering all my kitteh-related needs in one place for once and for all?


Also, the Firefly reviews should culminate in a writeup of Serenity, natch. Has Donna seen that? A newbies take on it (esp one who has watched just Firefly) would be interesting and would take me back to a couple of years ago when I spent the summer getting to know Mal et al. for the first time. So many people I

Hells yeah AD! I was just thinking it was time to rewatch it for the 4th or so time…I might have to time it to watch along with Noel

@NOEL A newbie should DEF do Firefly! I loved reading your first experience with BtVS and Angel, esp when you would speculate on where things might be going and knowing you had (mostly) no idea. That would be awesome to see coming from Donna!

haha I think I still have the soundtrack somewhere. Might've listened to it once.

aaahh, I love a good Jackie Brown reference.

oooh I remember that. I also have the book somewhere that has the movie poster on the cover, in all its Rutger glory….

Young hot nekkid Rutger? I need to see that. Looks like since Netflix doesn't have it, then I shall have to acquire it through other, less legit ways…

came down to comment specifically because of Ladyhawke! Seriously underrated film. It always makes it on my alltime fave movies list. Crushed on him so hard when I was young and obsessively watched that movie over and over on the betamax…

I remember reading an article or listening to an interview where Trent Reznor even said something to the effect of how he didn't really like people to cover Hurt because it came from such a dark place in his life but then when he heard Cash's cover he realized Cash brought it a darkness he never even dreamt of and the

late to the party but:

i've seen my future
And this is it. Fuck that sucks.

and Chang's "L'cham!"

whew, thanks Scott! I always look forward to it. My life is that lame :)

where's "DVDs in Brief?"
seriously, where is it? That is a useful weekly blurb that helps me update my Netflix queue. Hope its just delayed and not gone for good…

…which was exactly what I was taught in school.

the deal is they are freakin delicious. That they are only available once a year enhances their deliciousness immeasurably. Unless you're like me and you hoard them in the freezer to enjoy year round.

So is the AV Talk Podcast dead
Just wondering. Because I listened to those every week and loved them. But since the video AV Talks started I haven't listened to one because its easier to dl the podcast and listen on the go then to sit around at work or home to watch a 17 minute video.

Is this…how did you get my espresso machine?