
A half scoop of Strupo flavored gelato on a hot summer day after a light lunch of pasta with maybe a little oil, basil and garlic…

Good job guys, but we're gonna have to get this down to a cool 15 minutes if we really want to disturb the executives at Warner Bros. into acquiescing to our casting demands.

I didn't watch "Diggs" until after I watched "The Man Who Grew Too Much", and honestly I preferred Diggs. Which isn't saying a lot since I thought they were both pretty strong episodes.

Ok…now cast Donald Glover as Peter Pan, and we'll call it even.

"This is a movie where aliens turn into invisible-but-purple jizz and cause 4 NBA superstars and Shawn Bradley to have seizures by stealing their talent and Shawn Bradley's height through their nostrils."

At this point I'm starting to think that Bill Murray has ditched the answering machine and he just walks onto random movie sets whenever he feels like it.

Even if I just read the words "Wild, wild west" I have to fight the urge to finish with "Jim West, desperado.."

*Runs into post to make sure that Kings was properly mourned….*

If the humans couldn't understand them, then they couldn't speak.

Yeah but Baloo eventually made something of himself and became the semi-successful operator of a cargo-plane service…although he was later bought out by an overbearing she-bear owner, but that's another story.

That was such a wasted opportunity. The one time when Kevin Hart's zaniness would have actually come in handy, and they completely botched it.

I forgot about the homeboy shopping network. That's still a good premise.

*Waits for all the assholes who were pissed about Idris Elba in Thor to show up and voice their outrage*

I don't know…I can think of at least 3 cities that have produced odors so bad I contemplated suicide because I didn't want to live in a reality where such smells could exist.

No love for Gomie in the recap? Why does the AV Club hate Mexicans?

Yup…and I'm pretty sure the movers took it and a few other games when my family moved to Milwaukee. I was mad at first, but then I remembered what I terrible game it was and I figured that I should just chalk it up as a win.

Hey Red Pill, how many women and children were killed because of apartheid?

I'm hoping that next season Gary tries to make the transition to being an actual villain. I'm hoping that his decision to go back with the monarch is just him getting readjusted to being evil before finally becoming the arch for an already established character…maybe one of the Venture Boys?

Maybe the film is really about the racial divides that exist beneath the seemingly cohesive fabric of the American gay community.