
I feel like his violin playing had more to do with him being captured than being born free. Fiddler in "Roots" played the fiddle and he was a slave, ergo all violin players are destined to be slaves…or at the very least broken and stripped of their independence. Take a look at any Korean music student if you don't

32%? Damn, I had no idea. Let me go get my paint swatches…we'll solve this one.

I just meant all the snow…why'd you have to bring race into it man?

When I first heard that Elba was gonna play Mandela my immediate reaction was, "Isn't Elba a little too…massive to be playing Mandela?" That's when I realized that my only frame of reference when it comes to Nelson Mandela is the slightly emaciated, stoic political prisoner turned president…turned frail elder

If by heaven you mean it's really white and all the cooler people are to the south, then I agree.

Without watching this film, I'm going to go ahead and assume that the moral of this story is not to have dinner with white people. I'm not sure if that includes banquets or buffets, but I've got to imagine those are okay since our Caucasoid brothers and sisters would have a harder time drugging the food and drink.

White gangsters didn't control Harlem from jump, they just muscled their way in when they realized that the numbers racket was making so much money. Schultz and Luciano could hit black gangsters on two fronts, with violence and with the cops/politicians they had in their pockets. What the hell is someone like Bumpy

All in with Isaac Hayes or the goddamn deal is off!

You don't know how many black women have unknowingly ended a conversation with me by bringing up Tyler Perry. Then again, I'm sure I've prematurely ended lots of conversations with women of all races by just being me, so I guess it balances out.

Of course not…

Of course not…

I'm just gonna place this here…

I'm just gonna place this here…

You know what this needs?

You know what this needs?

I've got 7 Mac-11s, about 8 .38s, 9 .9's, 10 Mac-10s, the shit never ends…(c) MC Richard Harrow.

I've got 7 Mac-11s, about 8 .38s, 9 .9's, 10 Mac-10s, the shit never ends…(c) MC Richard Harrow.

Fuck all that noise…