
What you've described is the perfect episode for people like me, who haven't watched all 4 individual hero series but very much want to watch the Defenders. Catching up on each of them and getting a (perfunctory) summary of the story and selves so far sounds like just what I need to ease into this one

It's really not surprising. The idea of this series was always better than the series itself. The only standout chapter was Wizard and Glass because it's a story first, rather than an idea.

The show lived and died by the comedians that were on… it was at its best when they focused on the entertainment first and showcasing talent second… but about half way into the second season it became a platform for hardwick's friends first and entertainment second.

Shea should not have won that, and with that Rainbow dress off-brief, could have arguably been in the bottom.

i think the reviewer is a bit too hard on Farrah this week. She had a tough edit for the practice, but her final performance was good enough to be borderline top 3. And her runway has been slaying it for a couple weeks running

A C-grade is about right. Alexis and Sasha were solid but not great, Valentina (who did more with one note than Nina), Shea and Trinity were passable, Aja, Nina, Farrah, Peppermint and CLF were terrible. Yes, you never see a Snatch Game with 8-10 queens hitting it out of the park, but this (2:3:5) was below par

Only ever walked out on two movies, so those must be the worst

i hate that adam won. there has become a pattern that game play doesnt matter at final tribal, all you have to do is play to make final tribal and have a good sob story to make up for it.

Sorry, Alaska. You are talented, hard-working and would otherwise be a most deserving winner. But your tantrum invalidates that, at least in terms of the competition (as far as I'm concerned) because we should hold the winner up to a higher standard.

Alaska is an incredibly talented queen, hard-working and versatile. But if there's anything RPDR has been consistent about, it's that attitude matters.

It's the season 5 storyline all over again. A more talented, somewhat neurotic queen has to beat the multi-headed Rolasktox hydra to become champion. If Katya wasn't so damn entertaining, it wouldn't be worth it - meaning the season is a failure if anyone but her wins, at this point.

first of all, alyssa and katya should have been the tops, and detox and roxxy should have been the bottoms. but alaska seems to have fallen back into her clique, after such a strong and independent start.

alyssa and alaska killed it.

the production is beautiful, the performances by winslet, weaving, hemsworth, davis and snook are marvelous and the "high plains drifter with a singer (instead of a smith & wesson)" is a poignant ending.

at this point, the season is feeling manufactured and forced. if not for alaska killing it and katya being katya, it would be mediocre. and between this episode and snatchgame, I'm reminded of just how talentless roxy is. she is completely out of her league here.

At this point, I don't care if Katya wins All Stars. Katya is the heir apparent to Drag Race. That's right bitches, Katya for host.

Note that week 1 was all about giving the girls a chance to show their best selves. Coco rightly was sent home for being underwhelming in her wheelhouse. But Adore's critiques were the only ones that were about her falling short of some other (michelle's) ideal. That was completely out of line for the context.

hate the judges (michelle's) uneven treatment of adore
don't see the appeal of roxxxy at all
just want to see katya win

no show has jumped the shark (for me) as quickly as @midnight. it went from brilliant to a pandering douchebro friendfest almost overnight. i was done with it (and hardwick) before the 2nd season finished.

completely agree with the review and would grade it more harshly. c-