
glad to see hive dead, and never want to see ward/dalton again. but ugh, totally not interested in a daisy-angst-centric shield. peace out, shield, i'll stick to cherry-picking the movies

Mr. Robot was millenial bullshit. And Kirkman is the new Lindelof - expect whatever he touches to suck.

how to fix arrow in one episode: kill merlin and dark in the finale, have felicity have a break down over not stopping the new and wind up in an asylum, then her mother and lance can disappear to deal with it, diggle and olly can fly off in the time machine with canary and cold, and that can leave us a re-tooled arrow

so over ward as a villain, the actor has the range of corned beef sandwich: change the condiments, give him some new bread, but it's still just corned beef.

when the entire premise of a show is built around the 4 worst characters (and 3 worst actors in the cast), you know you have a problem.

Damien Dohrk is by far the worst villain arrow has trotted out. Mcdonough is cartoonish, and his abilities and appearances smack of nothing more than deus ex.

this episode would have gotten an A+ from me if it wasn't for the Renard plotline. this is the second season in a row we have renard off on his own and if last season was merely clunky in isolation, this one is non-sensical. none of his behaviour is consistent with the character arc we've had.

I love this show, but found this "prequel" episode to be completely superfluous. We learned nothing new about the characters or events, and in several instances created some (potential) conflict with what we have been shown before

i'm completely over ward and tired of the ward-skye bullshit. please give us a new villain.

Keeping Up With the Lannisters

this whole season has gone off the rails. felicity has become unbearable, the flashbacks no longer tie into the episodes, the corny one-liners are being grossly overdone, and the romance subplot is overwrought.

For so many criticisms in the review (not that I'm disagreeing), I have to wonder how that got a B+ from the reviewer.

The other side of the argument is that events on the surface level are so contrived, so "deus ex machina", just to create the situations where the so-called "subtext and imagery" can happen that the suspension of disbelief is utterly broken.

Glenn calls Rick a dumbarse, a callback to the first season when they first met. Language that is not typical for Glenn and that is not indicative of his banter with Rick. So clearly it's a clue from the writers.

far and away the weakest cast in years. Katya was the only stand out, the rest wouldn't have made the final 3, or perhaps even final 5, in any of the last several seasons.