Crom Deluise

So, more like least worst. 

Yes, although they were pretty forthright about including the other authors.  I remember getting the paperbacks in the seventies (each titled Conan the…something or other), most of which were also included Lin Carter and L. Sprague de Camp as authors.  There were a few novels released in the eighties as well,

I got a Dawes notification for this?

I would also accept a disgraced ronin named Ginsu.

Does Machete team up with Swiss Army Knife in this one? 

My neighbor's brother in law said "Cool story, bro."

I'm waiting for the Walking Dead-themed version of UNO.  

And set the film in the Atlantic. 

In the book, I got the impression that any electronic device detonated when it came into close proximity with the dome.

Also, the exterior shots of the radio station showed it to be on the shore, although I didn't see any water in the overhead shot at the end of the episode.

I still refer to Robert John Burke as Thinner, wish he teamed up in a movie with Die Hard and Road House.

I was hoping he would be played by Richard Sanders, who played Les Nessman.

The first two Harry Potter movies seemed to be examples of this.  There were scenes that didn't really add much to my understanding of the plot as a viewer; it just seemed like they were hewing so closely to the events of the original that the story didn't have a chance to breathe.

It had a better Green Goblin than Raimi's Spider-Man movie. 

From what we can tell in the pilot, not only the fire department, but a good portion of the police department is out of town.  The town is essentially without authorities except for Big Jim and the two officers we have so far seen, one of whom just blew up real good.

That plane crash was, indeed, some 70s quality sfx.

Several hundred pages in the action really gets going (which is absurd, when you think about it).  I almost didn't get there, not enjoying too much reading about bad people being cruel to each other.

Just from what you can see in the previews, they've already changed a lot.  The dome appears to be impenetrable to sound, etc.  It looks like they've changed (or seriously watered down) Junior's predilections, etc. 

So how many million others died in the intervening fifteen years, just so that their son could live?

Yes, it looked like the wire was about twenty feet away from the group of people.  And how long was the Cult of Electricity going to stand around in front of the starwell?