Crom Deluise

I am hoping that when they re-activate the nanites, the missiles stop in mid-air and then go in reverse back to their launchpads.

Is there a scene where someone shoots at Superman, and then, when the gun is out of bullets, throws the gun at him?  I'll settle for that.

It could have been worse.  It could have been Denny's. 

I think many, including myself, did all they could not to reach this obvious conclusion….

I got a Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood notification for this?

Agreed.  Was their first move to go to an arts & crafts store to get some posterboard and paint, or do residents of the Glades generally have these signs sitting around at home?

I loved Cranford, especially the scene where Dame Judi and friends went on their first train ride, fearing that the 20 mph speeds would cause irreparable harm: "It could sear the optic nerve."

I didn't think Juliette was being stupid.  I thought more that she was eagerly trying to get up to speed, to get through that learning curve.  She now knows about the Wesen, so her first question on being brought into the thick of a case is "what kind of Wesen are you?"  How would she have known that he the fellow

Alas, Henry won't be off-screen next season.  I foresee numerous interminable scenes of Henry stupidly gazing in wonder at the green screen of the week. 

Sometimes that's not even true about pizza.  It looked good, but it tasted awful. 

I can't stop hearing "vogue" instead of woge each time someone mentions it.  I was expecting Juliette to ask if they were going to start playing Madonna before showing her the woge.

I also recall him mentioning several ex-wives in one of the early episodes of Season 1.

I was hoping that Nick's artistic skills were more in the style of, say, Matt Groening or Linda Barry.  It would make the Big Books of Wisdom more entertaining for whomever comes after him. 

That's just the way their heads are shaped. 

Agreed that the finale was one of the weaker episodes of the season.  They tied up most of the plot strings except for the Jason O'Mara/Sarah Jones pairing and Katherine's well-being.  Everything else more or less implausibly was re-set, as if the producers were putting away their tools at the end of the day.

Yes, they actually gave the show a short into about two thirds of the way through the season.  Still, they were flailing around a bit with the serialized parts of the story, probably because they didn't know if the show would be renewed or not: one episode with the FBI agent showing romantic interest in Carrie-Anne

I'm not so sure that I agree with this, given that this episode showed Fictional Ralph turning over evidence to Savino.  Also, the real Lamb doesn't seem to have a particularly sterling background, as a quick internet search revealed.

They've timidly addressed the race issue before, although more as set dressing than anything else.  Other than the mob angle and as a style guide, they didn't seem all that interested in the era where the show was set. 

They plan to update his five companions for the modern era.  One is  Zach Galifianakis, and another is Poochie, back from his home planet.

You're right—Max did look sort of like a human chihuahua.  It's as if Katie married her pocket dog instead of carrying it around in her purse.