Crom Deluise

It's okay that you forgot about Micah. Gunnar seems to have done the same thing.

Peter F. Hamilton's space opera books, like The Night's Dawn trilogy or Pandora's Star. They are some of my favorite SF books of the past few decades, a mix of action and wordy exposition, mimicking the flow of history, mixing the important and the ordinary, with most alien races truly alien and mostly unknowable.

Sure. Is the four-pick of Garrett, LJ, Kass and Trish available?

Wow, my penchant for taking forever to get around to reading the comments has resulted in my stumbling across the fantasy league selection process. I guess if I was ever actually on Survivor I would show up at Ponderosa on the day of the live finale.

I thought she was the one who kissed Grantham also.

She reminded me of Kathy Bates in Misery.

I hope this isn't another season of Grantham making the worst possible financial decision at every point.

Cora seemed especially dim-witted last night. Haven't there been enough episodes of Thomas being deceitful that she wouldn't take anything he said with a grain of salt, even despite how he was accidentally correct about the Nanny West situation?

It seemed to me that the name was coined by one of the other teams, and everyone else started using it.

Episodes never seemed to get more than a hundred comments or so. I don't know whether they gauge their coverage on pageviews or comments or both, but it doesn't seem to have the draw of Survivor.

Yes, I remember one relatively recent season where they kept cutting to the camera crew standing outside of a hotel room, with heavy snoring overdubbed on the scene.

There was an episode of the old Dick Van Dyke Show where his son connected the moles on his back with a pen and it looked like the Liberty Bell. So it could have been worse.

Agreed. After a certain point, no one is looking for new features, and it's more a matter of designers wanting to show off new toys or marketing, thinking that a "fresher look" is needed. Very rarely do I feel the result has any value to the end user.

They were a crappy attempt by Pizza Hut to trademark calzones.

Nope, still hate it.

And there are some who make it their life's goal to LIKE or share every single thing on the internet.

But this very redesign makes those who access the site from a computer feel like second-class citizens.

Don't most websites have an m.whatever.com that is optimized for mobile devices. Let them get this shite design and the www crowd get one that doesn't suck.

"Prettiness was the main concern; functionality will be added later."

And make it an option. I do not connect Facebook or Twitter with any of the accounts I use on this or other sites. Nor do I want to. There are an appreciable number of people who are uninterested in integrating every action on every site with Facebook.