Who was asking for this? Why the hell would I want to go to a website I visit frequently and have to re-learn how to navigate it. You are adding nothing but inconvenience.
Who was asking for this? Why the hell would I want to go to a website I visit frequently and have to re-learn how to navigate it. You are adding nothing but inconvenience.
Apparently the zombie drug made those guys pretty sturdy, given that many of them were knocked off of the top of a three-story stack of storage containers, and they all seemed fine. Even the ones who were flung off of Monroe's car were presumably okay, I guess.
I attributed the prompt arrival of Renard and then Monroe et al by figuring that the show just skated over some time passing in order to cram everything into the episode, although that is pretty weak sauce. A throwaway line like "that's over an hour away" would have helped.
Road House is comin' up right behind you with a shotgun Nick!
I was wondering how the comics were. It's sometimes difficult to take material adapted in another medium seriously. No matter how much the creators of the comics (or whatever medium) may insist that their contributions are canon, the producers of the show can often blithely reverse or nullify these stories. They…
Haven't seen it since it was released, but the final massacre scene in the Lili Taylor movie "The Addiction" sticks with you. The camera doesn't move much, giving what you see a documentary feel.
Was it a haunted Steak & Shake?
The jump scare at the very end of the original Friday the 13th must have hit me at the right age—it kept me up for the entire night. Probably would have done the same for the next night if I wasn't so tired from freaking out the night before.
I had fears of becoming possessed by a demon for years afterward, and would run away shrieking when Tubular Bells came on the radio.
i haven't seen Videodrome since its original release, but what sticks with me are the scenes shown from the pirate video station. The grainy, static-filled bits of footage gave them a grimy authenticity.
Your age at the time you see something really makes a difference. I saw Poltergeist with a group of high school friends. We all thought it was a great fun ride, but, besides the odd jump-scare, I don't think any of us were really unsettled.
I watched The Day After a few weeks into my freshman year of college. We spent most of the movie playing MST3K (even though it hadn't been invented yet).
I was hoping to see the classic head-in-torso Arnim Zola.
Agreed. I also liked how some of the walkers landed on their heads and weren't a problem as a result. Not every walker needs to get the old stab in the eye trick.
Zombie pigs? Are they really going there?
Everything's coming up Milhouse for that kid.
Needs more Li'l Asskicker.
Jason and Chris Hollywood from the Texas season will end up getting a show together—Cooking without a Hairnet.
True, @avclub-d7b683529752a4d24d84c4941861a363:disqus, true.