Crom Deluise

I do a lot of "imagining scenes that the show runners neglected to include so as to make the show make sense."  Probably too much of it.

The spy task was a walking, talking version of the "unroll the haystack" challenge they've used before. 

There was also one of the doctor brothers who was having a panic attack at the thought of diving down into the deep water.  As a committed land lubber, I can sympathize.

There was a shot of Mona or Beth diving into the pool of globe balls that made it look like a lot of fun.

Actually, I thought the teams were using the U-Turn effectively this year, unapologetically trying to get rid of a team they knew was behind them.  The alliances helped this to happen—this season more than others, but I don't know how you stop that from happening. 

For me the problem was that so many of the teams—all-female or otherwise—were not particularly competitive.  The brothers who were shocked that swimming was involved had no chance.  Team Mullet and the Dixie Chicks both spent their entire time escaping because of others' mistakes.  The buddies who were the first team


I'm disappointed that they were in DC and I didn't see the teams running past while I was sitting around eating my lunch.

Sadly, he probably will.

Did I miss the major mental breakdown?  I saw a number of snits and a kerfuffle or two, but I think that was it. 

They were some of the worst racers in quite awhile.  I guess the casting department has started looking for teams that are really out of shape and unable to do anything.

Surfer dude was a total moron.  Even the editors couldn't hide their contempt for his stupidity after he blew the task that got them booted, showing Phil's incredulity as the dude tried to stay positive about his decision not to use their Express Pass, contrasting it with the dude's stupid grin.

Max and Katie were bigger villains in their own heads than they were on the screen.

I'm holding out for Michael B. Jordan.

But you'll end up with Dwayne Johnson. 

I haven't read Heart-Shaped Box, but I really enjoyed Horns.  I thought it had a strong emotional core that you don't really see in his father's work. 

That's exactly how to turn it into a series @avclub-0304234e5dac07d007cf06c22b3f29c4:disqus.  One or two episodes of setup while the main character first goes into the past and gets his footing.  Then, six seasons and a movie of tooling around in the late 50s/early 60s, with knowledge that you have an endgame episode

I'm reading Under the Dome now, and it's getting to the point where I just want to stop.  I've never NOT finished a book before, but this one seems like an exercise in locking 200+ people in a dome and having them do horrible things to each other.  It's less about the dome than about how terrible people can be.  I

He hasn't even had time to get a catchphrase. 

Now we know why he looked so glum at the last reunion show.