Crom Deluise

And now, Malcolm is stuck at Ponderosa with the Fun Sponge, and he'll be sitting next to him at the reunion to boot.

If they want to just get it over with by eliminating the rest of the Bros, they can pull the "there will be a surprise at tribal", which usually means a quickie immunity/elimination vote.  That's an easy way to clear out the driftwood and get to the part where the majority alliance has to cannibalize itself.

Nine survivors, one cup….er bowl…of peanut butter.  

I thought she was melting. 

That they showed Malcolm attempting to snag Sherri in the previews probably means that Malcolm does not at all snag Sherri.  Whatever they show in the previews is usually more than a little misleading.

Oh yeah?  I'm working on a remake of this remake already!  

It sure beats doing homework!

What was he going to do?  He went to Jared's, but Jared was dead. 

He seems a bit more Charlie-27 to me.  

But once you turn, your bones have the consistency of Nerf. 

Holmes's house looks nice on the outside, maybe.  On the inside it looks like a David Fincher movie.  Here's hoping Miss Hudson's OCD will result in throwing a bit of clean paint on the walls. 

The ol' SISCUOAPWBMIBBOD list?  Yes, that's where it belongs. 

Reyna and Tandy (I think that's her name) have a very natural-seeming sibling relationship for all of the reasons you describe.  Fighting tooth and nail on some things, but they have each other's back when things go wrong.

Sadly, that's probably true. 

Yes, but too many of the musicians on this show are pretty boring.  Scarlett's a washrag, Gunnar's an asshole most of the time, and Avery's running on flop-sweat.  Reyna spends half of her scenes moping and Juliette spends the other half shrieking.  Deacon is the only tolerable one (his fight with Juliette was a great

Dante isn't even recognizable as the same character he was three or for episodes ago, back before he had a name.  Originally, he was a calm, patient sobriety counselor focused on Juliette's mother and slightly contemptuous of Juliette's brand of tomfooler.  Now, all of a sudden he's a power-mad, squinting villain,

Brenda has sort of a "Oh no she DIDN'T" look in the screen cap up there.  

That is the opposite of what Propst thinks about who should win.  Victory to the most buff. 

I'd like to see everyone get an idol to start the season.  They can save themselves (or someone else) once.  Unless everyone played theirs at the same tribal, there would always be the chance of a blindside.  It would complicate strategy exponentially.

I'd love to see that too, although I think "Festival of Losers" would be a hard sell for a lot of people.