Crom Deluise

Sadly, next week we will see Philip congratulating himself on his clever plan to force out the idol. 

I think there's some element of Sandra's "anyone but me" operating here among everyone in the dominant alliance.  They're not thinking that strategically about it at this point, since they still have what they consider to be two or three easy votes left before things get real. 

Malcolm totally jumped the gun.  Next week's vote will be tough unless one of the bros wins immunity.  Even then the Favs + Sherri can split their vote and win.

How would Malcolm have been blindsided, @Channel_8_News:disqus?  He received no votes?  Andrea had obviously rolled everyone over to the save vote-out before TC began. 

The sad thing is, Malcolm's play changed nothing.  One of the Fans + Malcolm alliance went home, and Malcolm is just as far up a creek as he was before, if not more so.  Whereas he had some plausible deniability before, now everyone knows he views himself as part of the out-group.  True, he still has his idol, but his

I was frustrated by the slapstick in the scene with Monroe chasing after the toad.  It was way too broad considering the tone of the entire show up to this point.  While Monroe provides most of the humor (and Wu most of the rest), their comic bits are generally on the dry side.  Leaping after the toad and hiding on

The way it appeared on the show, they seemed to get to Annapolis in about twenty minutes.

In the comic, he breathes fire.

So he's not Zodiac Motherfucker? 

So you're Cochran. 

Who's ready to do the work of checking each poster here for conspicuous gaps in their posting schedule?

Which seasons do you have in mind?  Redemption Island for one, maybe? 

Is that you Philip Shepard?

Yes @avclub-00989c20ff1386dc386d8124ebcba1a5:disqus, Philip would immediately transform it into "they blindsided me off because they knew there was no other way they could get me."

If I get to see one more thing this season, I'd like to see Philip get blindsided. 

I haven't liked Dawn this season, but it would almost be worth seeing her win, just to piss off Propst. 

Thank you!

Well, he is the genius behind Spawn. 

About halfway through Joel Achenbach's "Captured By Aliens:The Search for Life and Truth in a Very Large Universe."  It's partially a straight-faced look at UFOlogy and the cult of believers, as well as an examination of current (current for 1999, when the book was written) scientific thinking on the prospect of life

Best high-brow zombie novel you'll ever read.