Crom Deluise

I'm jumping on the Franco Harris backlash.  The Franco-American backlash didn't take, and the Jess Franco backlash is dead in its tracks.

Isn't everything digital now anyway? 

The earth's population probably peaked right at the point the zombie apocalypse began, then plummeted to roughly near its current point, while at the same time the zombie population quickly skyrocketed, but is slowly shrinking.

Cheddar is better…at least if you believe the claims on a box of Better Cheddars. 

Liked for "weird seal skull head."


I for one cannot look at a clockmaker/amateur herbalist anymore without becoming extremely suspicious.

Another flaw committed by this show and many others is that they somehow need tho portray the crime of the week as being resolved in a day or so.  Cops show up at the crime scene, the next scene is in the lab where they're referencing the DNA result, as if the sample had been processed and compared against a database

Agreed.  I guess the talent pool in Portland is only so deep. 

We will never be rid of Juliette.  Just like Lori on The Walking Dead, she will continue to haunt Nick's memories and ours. 

Your mention of a monster manual somehow makes me expect an episode somewhere down the road where a pencil-and-paper role-playing game system specifically not named Advanced Dungeons & Dragons shows up with Monster Manuals and Fiend Folios detailing various Wesen subspecies. 

I thought that some small reason that they were avoiding overt mention of "Rumpelstiltskin" was because of "Once Upon a Time."  They were going as far as they could without saying it, not for any legal reason, since the legend is obviously public domain, but maybe because the networks didn't want to generate confusion

It is amazing that the Juliette plot has been dragging on for the ENTIRE season.

Maybe the tugboat is made out of old videocassettes filled with taped episodes of Solid Gold.  The plastic casings and the buoyant personality of the Solid Gold Dancers would make an unsinkable combination. 

Also, I presume Sgt. wu is still hanging off of that ladder, since they never bothered resolving that (nearly literal) cliffhanger.

The screenplay tried a bit too hard to be clever The letters of the perp's name were also the letters in Rumpelstiltskin, which made for too many really forced anagrams. They bent over backward trying not to say the R-word. All of that effort could have been better spent fixing Juliette, or making sense out of the

I was thinking this as well.  They (especially Cochran) should have been aware that the merge was looming, just as it was discussed on the other tribe.  This was essentially a free boot.  It would have solidified her alliance with Michael and Julia, and Cochran would probably have come around as well.

This is the best comment ever.

I think the goat backlash this season is more due to Philip here refusing to accept the goat role, which leads to@JudgeReinhold:disqus's
theory that the backlash will include anyone bringing Philip along.   That as much as anything will result in a Philip boot. 

As of next week, Philip becomes superfluous, it appears.  I would expect the Pagonging of the Fans would continue, with maybe a Philip boot to give everyone some relief.