Crom Deluise

Brenda was caffeinated simply at the thought of winning some caffeine.

If you're as close to Boston Rob as Philip, you just refer to him as"BR." 

What about on the other side of FrontLine?

Yeah, Oregon Trail is the way to go!

And cut Walking Dead to a half-hour. 

While the webisodes weren't great, I really like the idea and wish they did more with it.  Since the first batch focused on one of the walkers from the first season, I was hoping that subsequent seasons built on that and focused on other high-profile walkers.  It would be a way to expand the scope of the story

And since then, the baby was a plot seed for the remaining episodes of the first half of the season ("got to get some formula," etc.), but has basically disappeared since then.  I think we saw Li'l Asskicker in one of the Tyreese episodes, and briefly in this past Sunday's episode.  Besides that, we've heard it cry

This show is playing her as mentally unbalanced in a way that doesn't really come across in any of the comics where she has played a large role, except for maybe one of the very first Huntress miniseries way back in the 80s. 

Yes, that was a bit obvious.   The action scenes in this episode were not well done at all.  They were a bit over obvious.  Helena shoots one little crossbow bolt at a van and its hood explodes.  That van is filled with cops, while Oliver's isn't.  Oliver stops at the edge of the tunnel watching Helena get arrested,

Maybe she can be exiled to Drug Island—or whatever the DC equivalent is—Santa Prisca?  She can build up her tolerance, and then help clean up Star City's drug problem by ingesting it all. 

They also seem to have one "Fancy Restaurant" set, although they've dressed it up a few different ways.


Also, can God make a rock so big that the Incredible Hulk can't throw it?

Looking at his shriveled apple of a face these days, it seems like Redford has the power to absorb large amounts of solar radiation. 

I thought he was going to play Leatherface in yet another Texas Chainsaw remake/sequel.

Marvel had a biographical comic about Pope John Paul II.  Alas, no follow-up issue featuring a battle against Mephisto.

This has stoked my hopes for a Pope/Batman team-up.

Did anyone die on that damn boat? 

It would certainly be more interesting if Reynold goes further…and he does have another idol that no one except Eddie knows about.  I am happy to be wrong here, but we'll see….