Crom Deluise

Occam's razor is his luxury item. 

Much of your analysis holds water, @avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus , except that I think Dawn hasn't done anything this season to show that she has any game.  She surprisingly won a few challenges last time around, but this time she's playing with her heart on her sleeve.  She's not quite a goat, but

Matt will just go back to his job working in the Mines of Moria.

This is my analysis as well.  The next five episodes are likely to be very predictable.

Dawn is a duck? 

I think Cochran had stars in his eyes the first time, amazed that he actually made it onto his dream show and discouraged by the fact that it as so much more difficult than it looks on TV.  And while he still does that from time to time  (as in his speech about how most people experience the game every Wednesday night

They are doomed…until a few seasons down the road, when, like Erik, they magically transform into Favorites themselves.

Yes to this.  Each team can stand to lose up to three people, at which point the merge will occur, and the Favorites will cement their control of the game.  I wondered if dumping Matt was a good move as well, until I realized that they are looking forward to the merge.

This is startlingly true.  Makes me feel that if I was on a tribe with Dawn and Cochran I might have a ghost of a chance. 

I for one welcome our new insect overlords. 

I thought she was doomed until they showed Matt and Mike's votes for Julia, but no one else's votes.  At that point I realized she was safe.

This season is on hold for the next six weeks, while a long, slow, two-pronged Pagonging happens.  I can see maybe one or two of the Favorites (e.g., Philip or Corrine) getting voted out before the last Fan, but I doubt we'll see any Fans left at F4.

Ben & Kate didn't have Mike Accident.

Somehow I feel that Chinese restaurant set has been hanging around the same backlot since the Seinfeld days.  

The problem with KofH near the end was that, like many long running comedies, they had neutered most of the conflicts between the characters, so that everyone more or less got along.  The only way to generate story was to have "the gang goes to ___" sort of plots, where the characters would pull of their usual shtick

Beverly said that she wasn't making enough money.  NYC is expensive.  When Mindy said that she was going to promote Beverly, Bev replied that she could quit the restaurant job.  She'd miss hanging with the kitchen crew, but not the knife fights. 

Agreed.  Most of the cast, except for Beth, have some really nice line readings.  Even the intern, when he was trying to sit with Mindy's friends had a few good lines. 

Beverly was amusing in this episode, although in the first episode where she returned, it was pretty clearly stated that the practice was forced to hire her back because of some sort of legal issue.  Also, Mindy mentions that they are promoting her, but not back to a nurse, rather to Executive Secretary or something

Well, I usually head to my nearest clock-repair shop, although the guy there doesn't ever seem to be working any more.  Wonder if he found another job.

And that's why a competent lawyer would have that case tossed in a flash.  The pusher case is just circumstantial, so that wouldn't go particular far either.