Crom Deluise

Agreed.  I think about 95% of the cases on this show and on The Mentalist would never ever make it to trial.  Of the ones that did, even Lionel Hutz could win them. 

Instead of cracking eggs to determine their new colors, they crack open cans of Diet Seven-Up.

I know that they have the Dream Team test all of the challenges, but this makes me wonder if all or most of this testing is done before the game begins, allowing Jeff and the producers to pick and choose which challenge to hold at a given point in the game.  This way, they can subtly rig the challenges when they are

If there are 4 favorites and 3 fans on each new tribe, then the fans are pretty much done for. 

The fellow who played one of the sheep Wesen in "The Good Shepherd" showed up in the spice shop scene, making me wonder if he was a local Portland actor as well.

I was hoping for a spinoff series.

And, like Bud, they have started re-using some of the Wesen that have shown up in previous episodes.  I noticed one of the sheep Wesen in the spice shop.  I wonder if they are local Portland actors.

Don't you head to the nearest spice shop for solace whenever you are upset about pressing social issues? 

I would have watched it if it was called Nazi Clock.

I just wonder how this will affect his chances of getting on Survivor. He's going there to make friends.

Everyone's right.  This show DOES write itself. 

Having Morgan return in the season with Penny makes it a little too similar to have Duane be a kept zombie, although I liked the bit in the comics where Morgan freed Duane before heading off with Rick. 

I made up some edits in my mind that they left out of the finished product, edits showing that the picture wasn't so close to the door after all, and showing Michonne sneaking in (through an exit that they apparently didn't know about ten minutes earlier) and grabbing the picture while the walkers were all pressed

And by "very little characters," I presume you mean Tiny Elvis.

He was obviously eaten by the same zombie that entirely ate Laurie, as there were no remains left whatsoever. 

The "One Day at a Time" curse strikes again.

I thought it was just Richard Masur, or did he play the boyfriend?

Getting a poorly thought out present seemed perfectly in character for Juliette, much like throwing an elaborate party for someone who didn't want one.  There was less thought on what would work for the birthday boy than on what would make the gift giver look good.

I am waiting for a flashback to Scarlett and Avery's first night together, five minutes after his mother's death.

Teddy hiring Coleman seemed like more bad writing.  Aren't these guys in different political parties, since they were running against each other?  Don't they then have political differences making it unlikely that they would be able to work together?  This seemed like plot twists contrived to keep characters in each