Crom Deluise

If brother Jason needed the gun to protect himself from Texas hooligans lurking in every Nashville back alley, why did he leave it in his old jeans on the floor?  Where was he during this scene?  The way the scene happened just seemed too staged to be believable.

What's the deal with Gunnar's parents naming him Gunnar, especially if his older brother has a fairly common name like Jason?  I'm sure the writers were looking for an uncommon name to make the character stand out.  However, the fact that his brother has such a conventional name makes Gunnar's name not ring true.

And the ironic thing was that it ended up not being such a huge blargle bingle blooie after all. 

Doesn't Paul Qui have several food trucks?  They could have been his.

Also, Kristen had to win all of her competitions, whereas Brooke simply had to avoid losing. 

I just figured that Brooke had a phobia about Andy Cohen.

Geography is pretty fluid in the zombie apocalypse.  At the end of Season 2 they were camped within sight of the prison, yet we are told they spent the winter wandering around (and not encountering Woodbury or any Woodburyites, by the way) before discovering their Season 3 home. 

So for those of us who didn't watch, who was the secret guest star?  Curb-stomped zombie?

I'm waiting to see Little Asskicker with a gun.

Out goes Carson, in comes Benson.

I can't wait to see the Dowager Countess and Madea trade quips.  

I don't think Maggie Prime had any lines.  She went on "watch" for a bit, but that was about it.

I was thinking the entire segment was pre-recorded.  You never saw Marky Mark and Ted in a wide shot showing the audience.  Just a medium shot showing them emerging from the right side of the stage.

You did.  This is all some sort of weird Twilight Zone episode about Disqus posts from beyond the grave.

But she buys her meds from a guy in the park!

Just because I don't have that same amount of focus or drive, I don't disbelieve that there are others who do.  I wouldn't think there are a lot of them, but I think there are some.  The best people in their fields are sometimes those who are mono-maniacally focused on their goal—Tiger Woods for example, golfing since

Alfred spills soup on Matthew's lap.  Dr. Clarkson recommends amputation of the damp leg, accidentally removes Matthew's head and left lung.

Well, if past experience is any guide, Edna the Hussy will return, much like Ethel the Whore did this season. 

I was hoping for a (another) tragic accident leaving only Mr. Carson and baby Sybbie behind, forcing them to run to America where Mr. Carson must find love and a living while raising a willful child.

From the way they displayed first the overturned car with the limb sticking out, cut to the lorry drivers running up to examine the scene, then to Matthew's slack head covered with stage blood, the scenario you describe seems very plausible.