Crom Deluise

Also, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

Edited because I put it in the wrong place.

Also, McLean Stevenson.

Cause of death: an alien cabbage implanted on the back of the head.

It was changed from the previous euphemism: Itty-Bitty Widdle People

Fortunately, you don't have to apologize to as many people as you would have yesterday….

Heaven wouldn't take him: Hell didn't want him. 

Curiously, it was the same old stroke as everyone else. 

Todd Bridges versus Charlotte Rae:  There can only be one.

So where's The Narrator?  Has he Returned yet?

It seems more like they are heading toward the territory of the old sitcom,

Wouldn't the invisible ship be visible in parts, thanks to a thin layer of guano?

I am hoping that the car that ran Hook down was driven by David Copperfield, David Blaine, and Criss Angel on a cross-country bender, carrying the soul of Doug Henning in a red stone heart.

Where the hell was Cora during this episode, anyway? 


It would be interesting to see an arc where the characters went back and had to deal with the difference between their before-lives and after-lives.  Toilets, running water, medicine, computers, reference books.

Hook is actually a creepy little masochist.  He just did not have quite enough leather for the gimp mask. 

I'm able to magic that away in my mind by believing that there are kingdoms, geographically far away from each other, with different customs, monsters, languages, and whatnot.  Then, my carefully crafted rationalization that helps the show make a lick of sense dissipates when Belle walks off camera, only to appear at

And what kid wears a shawl? 

Growing up, I always viewed the names of people on TV as being somehow separate, because they were so different from all of the names I grew up with (Polish, Serbian, Slovak, Slavs, Greeks, etc.).  I never knew anyone with the same last name as TV character, except for the one guy in my grade named Smith.  Kojak was