Crom Deluise

She was the anti-cousin Oliver. 

Maybe Belle's book was a monster phone book, and she just looked up its address.  That's about the only book I could think of that would have allowed her so easily to find the beast.  Either that, or an AD&D Monster Manual.

I didn't understand how, when Belle and Archie were below decks and heard footsteps above, Belle told Archie to go above-decks and run off the boat.  Also, that was some WWE-caliber acting on Hook's part when Rumple was beating him with his cane.  Here's hoping Hook's in a full-body cast for the rest of the year. 

Now we will have weeks of Belle having no memory of her fairytale life until—MAGIC!—she does again. 

I was waiting for Lord Grantham to suggest investing Matthew's money in Canadian railroads.  He does seem a bit dense, that one.

The previews showed all seven chefs during the Judges Table.  Do they usually do this, or invite one team in at a time.  It could be that the night is such a trainwreck that they once again have no winner, like during the Pike Place challenge.

At this point, it seems like they have the story of "Big Ceej" (hate that) being on a hot streak.  If he were to lose (and barring a surprise elimination of Kristen or Brooke, I can't really see that happening) there would be no narrative story to whomever returns from LCK.  So, my guess is that Tom keeps giving the

It's Top Chef, not Top Throw Stuff on the Plate.

It does seem quixotic when on a cooking show to advance a concept that requires NO cooking. 

Maybe you did invent time travel, but, like, next week or something, and have already been punching him in the face, saying "this is for Charles Shulz, thus contributing to his hatred of Peanuts. 

Black Swan II: Ghost Protocol
2 Black 2 Swan

And Storybrooke itself seems to have maybe a hundred citizens at least, judging from the crowds we've seen, yet it has a nicely equipped hospital, a school (can't tell which grades it encompasses), a newspaper and a psychiatrist. 

Why does Henry take a bus to school when Storybrooke seems to be all of about four square blocks? 

SPOILER:  The answer to all of your questions is Carson.  He's a sex addict.  He asks each of the women to wear a gauzy dress and respond to the name "Lady Mary."

That was Shirley MacLaine?  I thought it was Katherine Helmond, still in her makeup from Brazil. 

That cad looked like the first place winner in an Alan Cumming lookalike contest. 

So do they finally get off of Herschel's farm?

I'm not sure if the writers intentionally make Lord Grantham incompetent at everything except posturing about his duty, or if that's just the role he gets stuck with to get the plots rolling. 

He was ready to cut someone.  He lives to cut things. 

Micah reeks of insincerity, of playing it for the cameras.