Crom Deluise

Truly, this episode was the snake eating its tail, or Top Chef diving deep up its own butt.

What's his Dick Tracy villain name?

And, sometimes it takes some distance to be able to perceive ways in which a film stands out from other similar films released during the same period.  However, I think that goes mostly in the other direction. 
Some films, largely because of hype and excitement, are released to surprisingly generous reviews, critics

Both Nicholson and Pacino have become caricatures of themselves.  It's like they made a weird face and it froze that way, just like my mom used to say.

There was a Steve the Tramp action figure!?!  Awesome. 

I think most of the target audience (and many of those involved in production) had no connection to the characters.  That, combined with a penny-pinching, slightly overbearing studio control made the movies, even to relatively savvy children, reek of being nothing more than studio "product."

The Phantom also has a cut to Billy Zane sitting on a bench, eating a sandwich, in full costume.  That cracked me up in the theater and has never failed to do so since. 

Battlefield Earth 2: Electric Boogalo?

Battlefield Earth 2: Electric Boogalo?

I have eaten at his restaurant, several years back. It was very nice, although on the other side of town from where I live. He came off pretty well on the show. I hope the "under seasoned" tag doesn't impact his business. Then again, Spike Mendolsohn went out at about the same point on his first season (and earlier

I have eaten at his restaurant, several years back. It was very nice, although on the other side of town from where I live. He came off pretty well on the show. I hope the "under seasoned" tag doesn't impact his business. Then again, Spike Mendolsohn went out at about the same point on his first season (and earlier

Came here ready with that quote, only to see that you beat me to it. 

Came here ready with that quote, only to see that you beat me to it. 

Hakarl seems to transform itself easily into Hot Karl, which is not a name you want to saddle your child with unless you are one weird dude.

Hakarl seems to transform itself easily into Hot Karl, which is not a name you want to saddle your child with unless you are one weird dude.

Dry Mustard?
Jerk Seasoning?

Dry Mustard?
Jerk Seasoning?

One World had the great blindside of Kat, who blurted out "blindsides are fun and awesome!" before being blindsided herself.  Touche, Kat, touche. 

One World had the great blindside of Kat, who blurted out "blindsides are fun and awesome!" before being blindsided herself.  Touche, Kat, touche. 

He seems to be charming except when he doesn't get his way.  Perfectly human, but he doesn't go out gracefully.  He's kind of a Bitter Betty.