Amelie Gillette

No. I'm not reading this.

In the "Baby One More Time" video Britney and her friends do spend a lot of time in the gym during a thunderstorm wearing sport bras and sweatpants—but you're right the all-white outfits in "Sometimes" are a better fit for the capoeira drama model crew. Thanks!

I didn't mean to bash The Boosh. I do enjoy it. But I don't think it's a good jumping off point for someone who, say, didn't grow up with Ab Fab and other British classics.

I actually just started watching Darkplace this past week, and it is very much the epic, burning dirigible of comedy you describe. If I had seen it before I wrote this GtoG, I definitely would have mentioned it in the Next Steps. Highly recommended.

Scary Baptist,

It was Rosemary's Baby, prowler. You should see it.

Funny that you mention it, Steve
I always read the TBS slogan as sarcastic and kind of dismissive, like a parent brushing off a child's lame joke. As in, "Ha. Ha. Very funny, Frank Caliendo. Now sit down and eat your peas. Who wants to play the quiet game?"

I really do hope the show drops the loud, repetitive "They're so tacky! They're so dumb! They're so clueless!" bits. It's just not funny.

They mentioned it at least four times, which at least three times too many. I just thought it was a strange point to make. Repeatedly.

RE: Terri's designs
Merryweather, I think it's just a matter of personal taste. I personally dislike loud prints, and Terri seems to personally love them. Her silhouettes are usually nice, yes, but big deal. Giant blouse over tight flare pants isn't anything new, and that seems to be her dominant silhouette. There's

Nathan, please believe me when I tell you, The Wackness is thoroughly, unbelievably wack.

Daton is a guy. Morgan is a girl. You can tell because Daton looks like a Kevin (Skipper's boyfriend) doll, and Morgan looks like an over-tanned lioness with highlights.

Sorry, bipolarcurious. You just caught me off guard.

I seriously doubt I've offended any of my co-workers, mostly because all of them can take a joke.

I think you're talking about Twenty Good Years, natalieq, a mercifully short-lived sitcom starring Jeffrey Tambor and John Lithgow as two old guys who team up to make the best of the rest of their lives, with myriad wacky consequences. But that sitcom and The Bucket List are different in many ways. For one, the old

Just to clarify
I never read comments. In fact, I'm not reading them now.

You're right. It was golf. I'm updating now…

To Give It Another Chance (and others considering doing that)
I would recommend it.

I've actually never watched an episode of the show, either ironically or otherwise. Everything I know about American Idol I know from commercials, newspapers, the Internet, and generally just living in America, where developing at least a passing knowledge of the show is virtually unavoidable.

J.E. and Bad Mo Fu
To answer your question(s), I'm not friends with Emily. I've never even met her.