Amelie Gillette

The HBO Code
I'm with Steve and (I guess) Dana Stevens. I've never thought that Entourage was smart or particularly funny or satirical in any way, which makes it all the more annoying when every TV critic calls it "whip smart, super funny, and so satirical it'll reach out and literally slice you with its razor-sharp,

Gore did make a funny.
He did. And it was funny. I meant that.

Actually, Kilgore
Maybe there's a little of Jackie Harvey in all of us.

The hating will continue.
Did Errol Morris do the eHarmony commercials too?

Thanks, Tyler
I probably did know that. But, really, you say tomato…

You know what else is funny? Masturbatory fodder!
Thanks so much to everyone who explained to me that guys in the 80s used to masturbate to these videos in the 80s! You're right: That totally makes it funny now!

I'm not a dog person
I'm not a dog person, or a cat person, or a baby person, and I'm definitely not a football person. I am, however, a TV person, and that's why I watched Puppy Bowlâbecause it's easily the most ridiculous, half-assed, three-hour-long chunk of programming that airs during the Superbowl.