Representative Gangsta

Drama? He'll wash your fucking car for lunch.

That's cute. Good luck with that sentiment.

He'd better. James Gandolfini's dead.

Bryan Cranston jacks it to Hoarders.

Start using the kitchen as the bathroom.

Presumably to be replaced with 'Whore-ers', with a massive array of cum dumpsters.

You're right. He's gonna keep on making shit movies for a long time.

World peace would be awesome.

Well Superman's in the public eye, so he's fair game, but they really shouldn't have invaded your moms privacy like that.

Well that's the new rules: Superman now kills EVERYTIME.

It's Jeff, isn't it? I fucking knew it was Jeff! All along I thought it was you, Jeff.

I feel obligated to contribute and I'm HOPING they take payment in shit.

He's just like Bruce Willis minus the Die Hard franchise!

I know - fuck Megastar Tom Noonan. Superstardom really went to his head.

Nah, I watched it again recently, it was ahead of its time and it holds up pretty well.

No, he's drunk and lazy, so he just sticks to the n-word throughout.

Whoever wins gets a Chris Brown Beatdown. Thems just the rules, son.

But you said the same thing about fisting!

R.I.P Pat. First him, then Chris Benoit. So sad. R.I.P. to the greatest wrestler of all time.

Under most circumstances, I reckon he'd attempt to suck his own dick without the forethought to remove his head from his ass first. But I missed the first season.