Representative Gangsta

I'll be there with my lube on, Johnson in hand. Jacked and ready to pop.

I'd certainly 'Washington' her 'Kerry' - if you know what I'm saying.
Do you know what I'm saying?

Then you got 99 problems, but Glenn Close ain't one.

We all just need a good Brendan Fraser pumping!

That's why Bruckheimer got fired.

Wow, Jerry Bruckheimer was REALLY shit out of ideas.

Yeah, good one. Ray Liotta never helped anyone but himself. Even in 'the movies'.

Son of 'Wings'.

This is great news, because Michael Rapaport is the greatest actor in the world!

The first one felt like a big budget experiment, and turned out great, it was cool and stylish. But I reckon the sequels stank of being both smug-and-bro tastic, and total garbage.

I hope you're not ripping on Ol' Blue Eyes, sonny, else Mr. Sinatra's estate will have to have a 'talk' wit you.

That's what I remembered about this song, and I bet Prince had a good laugh the day the most marketable muppet from N'Sync threw the smackdown on his ass.

That's my boy Sandy from the OC - Representin'!

By pretending in real life that he's a big, buff heterosexual.

Usually a guy with a massive cock does pretty well with the ladies.

I remember taking Sly up the ol' 'Paradise Alley' back in about '76. It made him the man he is today.

'Strapped', 'cash', 'rim'. 'Will do anything'.

Creepy? He looks adorable up there. I want to adopt him.

Ha ha, yeah, I remember when he had out a movie called Pacific Rim, and I said to one of my buddies - ha ha, yeah right - more like Pacific Rimjob! - and, oh how we laughed and laughed. That was a good day back in the summer of '13.

Yeah well, smart guy, Paul Newman's like 94, and he didn't fucking die.