Representative Gangsta

I hope this isn't true, I will miss funny Adam Sandler too much.

Rocky ran all the way into all our hearts in each and every Rocky film. Therefore - Rocky ran forever. He's still running and always will be.

Ha ha, he looks like Santa Claus, the stupid bastard.

R.I.P. Joss.

Did you ever work with anyone who roadied for Eddie Money? Because that would be super-cool.

Don't. Please stay with us, non-username person. Please just stay. We'll get better. We promise.

I would happily and excitedly get behind that Boss or Prince signature thing you got, and I would also happily and excitedly get behind something else of yours.

They should just go with a bunch of old strippers, 40 - 50 range, sliding up and down greasy poles.

But she was tha bomb as Electro-Gurl yo!

You seriously going to kill your moms over this?


Fuck you Reg - where the fuck were you when DH5.0 needed you? Say hello to yo fucking momma.

They both graduated into our hearts decades ago.

So true. This guy's penis is so huge, he has to wear special underwear. He doesn't just cum, he erupts - and if you're not a woman of experience, he will probably kill you with it. And if you can fit a 2 litre up your ass, he'd like a word.

Was he Bill?

Overwhelmed by a Leonard Cohen song? It's certainly better than Ratt.

Yeah, he was great in that, his one memorable role, but still - could've easily been RDJ or Charlie Sheen, or whatever else young wiseass was around at the time.

True - and that was pretty much his character's sole reason for being, to validate JGL - another extraneous character. For such a smart filmmaker - at least script-wise - Nolan just got lazy with that movie.

Can a Sarlaac swallow itself?

Starring Matthew Modine: The actor you never asked for!