Representative Gangsta

Fuckin' cracker-ass honkeys can't fuck fo' shit neither.

He was da bomb in 'Blood and Wine' yo!

Nirvana are back I tells ya!

Interesting. So would you accept her being cast in the new Star Wars?

Some chick, she did some stuff, empties her garbage on Thursdays, has a couple of cats. She's pretty cool.

I know! Cool party's were so '96.

You are truly a scoundrel, wastrel and vagabond. A charlatan of the highest order.

No, just my own small obit to a sporting legend.

The Rock is a WWE Legend, and speaking of sports entertainment legends:

R.I.P. Tommy Morrison.

Bette Midler. She always had that tranny vibe. Though I don't think the MTV awards were around in '87.

R.I.P. The Richard Gere of poets.

Cool movie, I haven't seen this one in years, although Nolte was severely mis-cast as a drunken bum.

But I WANTED to give him $3 mil. Can I still do that? Does he accept cheques?

I never watched the original, but this remake was one of those rare films that made me angry afterwards. I wanted those 2 wasted hours of my life back. Just like Von Triers, artsy-fartsy, pseudo-intellectual, pretentious bullshit.

Hope the 'possibly insane' turns into 'absolutely insane' and he hardboil shoots a bunch of muthas on the beach, before dancing a jig.

Game Of Thrones is a boss show.

I must admit, Elysium was a pretty boss movie.

I've been waiting my whole life for the sequel to 'Underdrive'.

I thought it was about this smooth mutherfucker - surname 'Vandross'.