Swami Dearest

These poots are unimogenably gay.

Credit crawl
Acknowledgment to the works of Megan Ellison.

Pop culture. Pop. With an "O."


Uh… Am I the only one who thinks this looks pretty terrible?
Well produced, certainly, but the acting and dialogue looks atrociously melodramatic and expository. Colm Meany looks like he'll be amazing, but the rest? This period and setting has so much potential, I hope it doesn't get bogged down in overblown cliches.

The Seven Samurai Itch

Lee Marvin was thrown out of numerous schools for badassery-related reasons. Then he joined the marines and fought in WWII as a sniper, going in ahead of the main force during invasions.

Wrong Cheaphap. The longest shot in that trailer was a shade over three seconds long. For Bay, that's an eternity.

*Lee Marvin and Charles Bronson lean nonchalantly against a nearby wall and exchange a knowing glance*

Are We There Yet? meets I'm Still Here

Title options?
The Firm: Hard Bargain
The Firm: Pro Bono

@some guy posting on the AVClub boards

Mustache is not doing straight man, he's doing well-acted humor man. Algy is better played with some chill, rather than over-emoting. The Wildean playa should not act like a cheeky, self-aware schoolboy.

Zoroastrianaut 2072: Iranian Space Fox

Yeah, but Mustache is funny while the other does "Ain't I a Stinker!"

Thank God it's set in L.A. for a change.

"Filibuster vigorously" has that added touch of implied obscenity that pleases the ear.

Even from this
it is obvious that Mustache Guy is by far the better actor. Other dude is a mugging ham.

And who the hell is this WG Griffith?

Hey Karla, good job on getting all three points completely wrong. I admire someone who deals in absolutes.