Swami Dearest

Screw driver. Hammer nails.

Curse of the Werewolf! Fuck yes! You just impregnated me with your good taste!

That was pretty good.

Wouldn't someone who is overly sensitive about being unmarried be more likely to insist that life IS over after marriage?

Marginally Quiet or Credibly Distant

I've actually found Roth to be an affable, likable guy in interviews and, especially, in his Trailers from Hell appearances. He's got enthusiasm and knowledge, and seems to genuinely enjoy not only film-making, but also just being a part of the film community.

Milou! GOD DAMN IT!!

Maul canned stoats!

* Too forward, by Bill Clinton

@Hello Whore By "noteworthy" do you mean hugely popular in the United States? Because D.K.U. was in Crash and Maria de Medeiros has been in plenty of acclaimed stuff.

Gang culture. SO COOL!

How is it possible that you people think this looks worse than the first movie? This looks like it's directed by someone who has actually experienced earthly physics, and none of the characters are wearing robot pajamas.

Encarta told me nothing!

Mysterious aisle?

He is not portrayed as a hulking idiot in this film.

c) You're predisposed to hating modern dumb-fun action flicks. There are movies that make no effort to challenge the viewer's intelligence and there are movies that insult it. This is the former.

Comics, eh?

Except "the original" bore almost no relation to the character created by Robert E. Howard in the 1930s.

I honestly don't get the hatred for this movie. It's certainly not without its flaws, but it set out to be an unpretentious sword and sorcery romp, and that's just what it is. It's far, far closer to Howard's character than any other adaptation. Nispel staged the fights well, used CG well (and sparingly by today's

Actually, it's been getting itchier, and now it's flaking off.