Swami Dearest

What did Henry Ford's slave-trading grandfather say to potential customers? You can have any color as long as it's black.

"Chronic Mass Troubadour" was over the word limit.

With the harmonic synergistic vibrations of Iron Man, Transformers, dated Matrix references, Captain Planet, politics, Teutonic enunciation and the rap music, this can't fail. Truly, a cross-platform multimedia product stream has been born.

Capital narrative, fellow!

I just can't stop thinking about boy band puns! It's my gift… and my curse.

Also, it's The Long Good Friday, not The Long, Continuing Series of Good Fridays. The title refers to the events of a single day. Of course, if it were structured a la 24, it would truly be The Longest Good Friday of All. There's your title.

98 Degrees of Justin Timberlake?

The Ultimate Boy Band?
Kitch N'Sync

It's all about making guys too big to fail. Now that's what I call an economic stimulus.

Late but spelled correctly. I fucking regain the internet.

Oh, England is around all right! Like the village bicycle!

Check out the strategies on that union organizer! Hoffa hoffa!

This thread turned nipple a hardcore pornography channel so facially, I hard-on even blow tits.

Reading comprehension!

I guess they should have called it Observe and Rapaport.

"If we can convince people that Toronto is New York, they'll buy it as Mars, right?"

SyFy pitch
$350 for the effects, give or take $20.

Dreamworks pitch
Well, everyone knows Houdini wasn't a secret investigator alongside pal Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. What this movie presupposes is… maybe he was.


20th Century Fox
Has blocked this promotion of their product on copyright grounds.