Swami Dearest

Sharks adapt to life on land in the style of eating my legs.

St. John "Sinjan" Pattercake-Bunt

Ha! Homophobia. I get it.

Laszlo, you card! This gag never gets old! Or funny, for that matter. Keep it up!

Actually, C+ is generous
And I really like Planet Terror. This was mostly one of the most listless, static exercises in B-movie action filmmaking I've seen in a long time. The Robert Rodriguez of Desperado and From Dusk Till Dawn is officially dead. Instead of fluid, kinetic action sequences, we get lots of

Actually, C+ is generous
And I really like Planet Terror. This was mostly one of the most listless, static exercises in B-movie action filmmaking I've seen in a long time. The Robert Rodriguez of Desperado and From Dusk Till Dawn is officially dead. Instead of fluid, kinetic action sequences, we get lots of

Army of Shadows
One of the greatest movies ever made. If you haven't seen it, you owe it to yourself to track it down. It is possibly Jean-Pierre Melville's masterpiece.

I figure Mitchum's performance as Eddie Coyle was a major influence on Robert DeNiro. Watch this clip and notice the rhythms of the dialogue and Mitchum's delivery ("I bought some stuff from a guy, I knew his name…").

Girls? Pahah!!
I, for one, appreciate the wit of the title. With the inclusion of a vowel and the cheeky substitution of an s, the word "grrlz" has never been so cleverly subverted!

Ditto the ultra-douchey habits of deliberately deepening one's voice and referring to oneself by an ostensibly bad-ass, actually fucking lame handle.

That's what I admire about him, Jorge. He gets right to the point. That is, he doesn't beat around the bush.

Avatart. It's a very British affair.

@A Reason

In a sane world where anglophones actually pronounced their non-English names correctly, Favre would sound like it is spelled. Fah-vre. Not Fave. Not Fahv. Not Farv. And not Leblank. Shudder.

Not to take the other guy's side here, but Shit McFuckenstein ain't exactly a home address. Is there some kind of cumulative points system that discourages abandoning accounts?

The quality of the trailer appears to.

When did Vanessa L. Williams grow that sweet handlebar?

Early reports that 84-year-old actor Leslie Nielsen died of complications related to his fight with pneumonia are false, claims Ft. Lauderdale Chief Medical Examiner Paul Schulburg. "Following a thorough investigation into Nielsen's recent film projects, pathologists have concluded that the cause of death can be

Uh… Newfoundland puppies turn into Newfoundland dogs. How many acres will this apartment be?

Biggles, Flies Undone, Sarcasm Detector Deactivated.